Woke up early early early today man !
I woke up at 7am , SHARP . I know im insane .
Hell , how do i know i'll wake up so early .
Saw my dad still sleeping . Obviously lah . LOL .
Then continued sleeping , till 8am .
Cannot sleep alr , eyes open bigbig le .
Sun shining at me too bright .
Feel like shooting th sun down please(!) .
Then used comp . Dad woke up alr .
Greet him . (i so nice :D)
Then continue use comp .
Awhile later went out for breakfast .
Stupid siahs . I walking like left 1/4 distance t th coffeeshop .
Then my maid caught up with me & said some mosquito people come .
I dint know what she talking lor .
What mosquito people sial .
Then i remembered she mentioned last time got come before or sth lah .
So rushed back , stupid fool .
So dint eat breakfast .
Reached home , saw th people , let them check th house , go alr , ask my maid go buy breakfast for me . Hoho .
Until now , still using comp .
Ohya , i changed skin alr lah !
Alot of people say cannot see siol . Haiyo . This one should be able t see le bah ? Hahhhhhhhhhs :D
Going out ltr . Will prepare soon .
Super lazy bodoh .
Im planning t be a lil late !
So i wont need t wait , WAHAHA .
People wait for me . LOLOL .
PHEW ! I remembered something !
Heees . Ytd played audition with cassandra .
I took a screenshot .
Bloodyhell . I took alot of times .
All come out cannot see th word ' DYNAMIC MOVE' .
Until finally i saw it . Wahahaha .
Th aka-shanx3 , me . Th eve-pikax3 , cassandra . Hoho .
Dont bother bout my name . I lazy t change , LOL . BYEBYE :D