Saturday , 29thnov .
Touched down plane at 6.30am brisbane time . Its time difference is 2hours ahead . So it was sg time 4am plus only . LOOL lahs . We dint head t hotel first leh . Th stupid tuor guide . Super dumb can . We all so tired , just touched down from a 7hour trip , immediately go play . Wtf lah . Still go farm siah . Super sian can . I got so many mosquito bites . Urgh . Saw alot of cutecute stuffs . I meant animals lah . Got pig got kangaroo got sheep got cow got rooster . AND KAOLA BEAR . HAHAH . Super duper cute lah . We took a family photo with th koala . I've got no scanner . So cannot show . I got use my parent's phone t take them . But havent put up . LOL . Sure will put up de , dont worry .
Then we watched sheep show cow show dog show . What show also have lah . Those angmoh super super super gao xiao . OMG lah . Make me laugh till i peng can . SO FUNNY LOR ! Hahaahs . Then 2plus brisbane time reach hotel . Wahs , alot of angmoh lah . LOL . But they super super pretty . And got alot of hunks . My hotel is super duper near t th beach , so all those teens hangout thr . Omg can . They super daring . They dare t wear bras&panties walk round th whole street . Then if not is those shirt very very long de but suppose t wear a shorts or a jeans below de , they only wear th top . Some even never wear bra . For guys lehs , they wear shorts hip thr , then can see th underwear brand . LOLLLLL ! But they really damn handsome lah omg lah . Fucking fucking fuckinnggggg handsome ! AHHHHHHH ! Went up t our hotel rooms . Mummy and daddy room is 2014 . Me and brother room is 2015 . Then our neighbour hor . 2012 , super noisy at night sia . Having party . EVERY NIGHT . Keep drinking drinking drinking drinking . LMAO . Then my mother told me they siao -.- . Wtf , so fun you say siao .
Aft that 5.30plus went for dinner . LOL . Angmoh eat dinner super early de . So went t eat at a restaurant opposite our hotel . Th fooood is SUPER nice :D . Aft dinner went t shop around for tidbits so later in th middle of th night hungry can eat ! Heeees . I know i'll sure put on weight . Oh nvm . I'll slim down next yr ~ LMAO ! Aft that went t th shopping centre beside my hotel . Shopped around . Then bought a sandal . FINALLY I HAVE SANDAL . FINALLLLYYYYYY ! Lol , okay im mad . who cares . Fyi hor , th weather thr is super hot in th aftnn , and super cold in th night . What a nice weather . Hahahah . Went back t hotel aft that and watched tv till i slept .
Sunday , 30thnov .
Got morning call at 7.30am brisbane time . LOL . its 5.30 sg time you know . Wahs , i wanna die liao . LOL . Woke up , bathed , prepared and went down for breakfast . It was buffet . Not really nice . I dint enjoy . And i dint really eat alot . Then went down t wait for th other tour people . All thr alrdy we headed t DREAMWORLD ~! Wooooohooooo .
First we went t th animal side . Saw th same animals i saw th first day . Except this time th kangaroos are freeee de . I mean they are not locked up . So we fed it . OMG LAH . SO DAMN CUTE LORRRRRR . We played alot of games . So nice lah can . Th wipeout , is sth like Escape theme park's inverter . But more hiong . LOL . x5 more hiong . And x10 more shiok . I sat with my brother . Guess what , he say : Not scary one lah . Nice one lah . Then when th thing started , his head went in , his eyes went closed . I thought he died . -.- . WTF . Then nevermind . Come down alrdy , he say : super scary lah !! But th claw i want t sit . So went t th claw . Lined up halfway , he saw th people playing . HE SAID : EHHHHHS . Very scary leh !! Cannot lahhhhh . I wanna back out . Cannotttttttt . Byebye ! Then off he went . Th claw was sth like viking but got 360degree turn . LOL . I got so fedup i scolded him . Tmd can . Keep on saying want play want play . Inthend backup . Fucking chicken . -.- .
Then my dad followed me t play other roller coasters . LOL . I know my dad nearly died . Cause in my family , im th only one who can take these kind of siao rides -.- . Pekchek lah . No one pei me one lor . Zzz .
Then 12plus liddat went t eat lunch . Fastfood . Eat alrdy went t play again . I played whatever they had there lah . Very fun jiu dui le . Im lazy t describe how fun . LOL . Cause i dont quite rmb . Then took pictures we th clown . HAHAHA . And 4plus need go back hotel alrdy . Cause from dreamworld t my hotel needs like 1hour liddat . Reached back 5.30 pm . Went up hotel , changed , 6pm went for dinner .
This time dinner is still opposite our hotel but another restaurant . Hahahah . Th food still okay lah . Th first day's one nicer :D HAHAHAH . Aft that me and another auntie talk bout aus . LOL ? Nothing t do alrdy mah . Hahahaha . Talk finish alrdy , eat finish alrdy , we went timezone . Played th games thr . Hehoha ~ Especially , DDR :D Yay lahs , i know how t play it well alrdy ~~! I played aloot of games leh . My dad bought combo , unlimited games for 1hour . SUPER SHUANG ! Then went t play basketball . First try , only hit a few balls . Second game , i know how t play alrdy ! HOHOHO ~ Then played till 10plus . Went back hotel . Eat food again . Then watch tv , then sleeeeeep .
Monday , 1st dec.
Same morning call at 7.30am . Everything was th same . Breakfast also th same . Sian lah . Stupid breakfast , damn not nice t eat lor . LOL . Also waited for people t come and left at 8.50 i think if im not wrong . Headed t MOVIEWORLD ! HOHOHO ! Super nice super super super niceeeeee ! I went in , th person who greeted me was BATMAN ! AHHHHHHHHH ! HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO SHUAIIIIIIIIII ! SO SO SO SHUAI . I WANNA KISSS HIM . LOL . SHUAI LAH CAN . Then went t watch shrek show . Idk what show . But its not a movie . Its 4D . LOL . SO cute lah , th place was super super dreamy omg . Then th movei theater th chair can move one . Then if th show can spray water , it'll spray on you . HAHAHAHA ! I kept laughing man . LOL . it was a 30min show . Aft that , went t play games alrdy . rollercoasters again . Saw tweetybird&lola , took pictures with them . HOHOHO . I saw duffy duck ( idk spell correct anot ) and bugs bunny . Saw cat woman , power rangers , super woman , wonder woman , SCOOBYDOOOO and th gang . Hahahaa . So cute lah .
I sat spaceshot you know you know . My heart nearly dropped out . Alamak . Kena force by spencertan . LOL . I know i also another chicken lah . But wth . SPACESHOT LEH . You think what ? baby spaceshot meh . LOL . So nvm , sat alrdy . Then ate lunch . I forgot what i ate . Then slacked till th time was up . i think is 4plus or 4 uh . Cannot rmb lah ! =.= . Then went back hotel .
Everything was th same again , went back hotel , then prepared then went for dinner . That day's dinner was niceeeee . I love it . Hahaha . Then went shopping . And also timezone again . Ddr-ed again . First day wasnt somany people . It was so deserted . Then aft day passed , more and more people came . Wah irritating . But angmoh leh , super shuai . LOL . Played till 10plus also went back hotel watch tv sleeeep .
[ i seem t be repeating th same thing over and over again -.- . ]
Tuesday , 2nd dec.
Morning call was at 6.30 . -.- .. Went fruit farm . See fruits blahblah lah . Super boring . LOL . Had lunch at some club . It was buffet .That buffet was so much nicer than th hotel's one . Aft eating went t some fruit show . Then toook pictures . When going back that time , th scenery there was super super nice . Like new zealand liddat . Wahhhhs . nice man . Cause cold . Th weather cold lah . LOL :D Then went t Deck . Th tallest building in Brisbane i think . They say one . LOLOLOL . Did nothing thr lah . Its 77th story high . Take escalator need only 42sec . LMAO SIAH . Fast right . Super fast lah . Hahahahas . Aft that walked t dinner . Tmr is a free and easy day . So we can go whrever we want . My family and another family planned t go t Whitewater world tgt . So went t th tour shop ask how much is transfer thr and back and th tickets price . Settled alrdy then time zone again. Then eat again . Then sleep again . That day was super boring lah .
Wednesday , 3rd dec .
Went whitewaterworld . Did i mention th family th one guy look like andrew ? abit only . LOL . But he is only 12 yrs old . Who cares . I still thought of him during th trip . Come back home gimme bomb . Knn . FUCK OFF SIA . Played th games thr . Also went t dreamworld and play . I saw spongebob and patrick leh ! DAMN CUTE SIAH PATRICK ! Keep using his butt hit me . HAHAHAHAH . SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! Went that night went timezone for th last time with th family . So fun lah . Played till abit siao liao . Cause they going home in th aftnn flight , my family is night flight . LOL . So byebye t them alrdy .
Thursday , 4th dec.
Went shopping th whole day . Leg also pain . Bought quite alot of things . Then went airport at 6.30pm . Reached airport at 8pm . LOL . Long hor . Checked in . Ate dinner thr . Then waited for time t come . While waiting we saw one of our tour members . HAHAHAHA . Ong hong yi . LOL . I tio chua siah . I thought they aftnn flight . Then we waved them come . Asked them why . They say th plane over load . 10 people overload . But inthend only 2 of them wanna go out . They got compensated $500 each and get free taxi fee and free lunch&dinner i think at hilton hotel -.- . How good can . I also want sia . -.- . Somemore reached airport alrdy they say they were sitting business class siah lah . Omg la . So nice lor . Went into th plane . I felt so sick please =.=. Damn headache sia . First time . Watched mamamia & kungfu panda . Then slept all th way . Hear music also . Reached sg at Fridat 5.30am . Came back home ard 6plus . Then slept till aft 1pm . LOLOL . Slacked th whole day .
IM GONNA GET MY NOKIA E66 !!! I dont care alrdy . LOLOLOL :D Im getting new phone . Woooohoooo . Im also getting new specs . My specs so scratchy lah please . LOL :D YAY CAN :D . Will be going t schl today . LOL . Some concert . i'll postpictures on my next post okays :DD BYEBYEBYE !