After school went home . Zzz . My sms bill sure burst . One hundred percent . -.- . So many sms came in . Fion seetoh . Got free unlimited . Then keep sending me one word one word message -.- . I then dont want reply sia . LOLOL . Also smsing with dumbo . Ahhhh !! He is like so effing cute la. LOLOL . Then he left th house earlier than me . Inthend i reached first . He still say i fly so lousy . LOLOL . ( dumbos use ears t fly ! Hehes . ) Then reached already , while waiting for bus, he recieve sms . Then he keep staring at me . LOL . Cause th sms was from me . -.- . But i sent th sms like so long ago . Slow phone la . LOLOL . Bused t angela's house . No one there yet . LOL . So waited awhile . Longjie and darren and tracy came after that . They play mahjong .
DAMN GAOXIAO . HAHAHAH !!!! Th longjie ! Keep joking sia !! All of up down there laugh until stomach also wanna come out le . HAHAHAH !! So funny please . LOLOL . He also tan de . Then i was like , o.o tan ? Really meh . I said t fion . Then he turn and tell me , eh , say my bad thing infront of me ! HAHAHAH . Sot de la he . Hahahas . Darren like so quiet de . Lmao lmao . Longjie's luck damn suay today . Then he sit behind angela's table . On angela's wall alot of her own pictures , let longjie see already , he say , aiyo !! No wonder so suay la !! Walao eh . HAHAHAS . Then he go use th chocolate i think go shoot at angela's picture . Dint hit . Abit only. LOLOLOL . So funny la omg . Hahaha . When we wanna leave already , longjie say , why leave so early , later no one help me see card leh ! LMAO . Then three of us wished them goodluck then went off le .
Bused back t hougang mall . Reach hougang le , dumbo say he go find friend . So he took another bus from there . Then me and fion went arcade . LOL . I keep turning back . See he go already anot ma . Then one time kena caught by him . Suddenly recieve sms from him , ask me why i keep turning back , she bu de uhs . LOLOL . Then i said ya ya ya . HAHAHAH . Fion laughing too . Hahahas .
So ddred and play th 5button de . Sian . So difficult . I blur liao . But at least got one game i got a A okay . LOLOLOL . After that went t fion's house slack . Awhile later went home le .
And im back home ;D LOLOL . I wanna watch movie with jiejie tmr . Idk can anot . Hahah . Must see first . Jiejie help me do homework tmr . YAY! Heheh . She's damn cute too la . Hahahas . Oh ya , anw . My sms burst already . So anything please call me , i'll only reply urgent smses . Calls that i never pick up , maybe i dint see , so try calling until i pick up kay . Heh .
LOLOL. I litter there. LOLOLOL! Fries is fion's. Drink is mine.