Chubb is just right in front of me ! O.O

He loves daddy.
Loves daddy too much .

Sleeeeep -.- . pig .

hero wants fooood ! oh ! how cute !

Ohmy . How cute . He's trying t jump out . LOL .

Jumping around . Want food again . LOLLL .
Peiyee's birthday present t me :D

Aot rightttt ? -.- . No it isnt .
Cause i only started collecting teens late last yr .

Aot rightttt ? -.- . No it isnt .
Cause i only started collecting teens late last yr .
N81 , 2008 .
E66 , 2009 . ( bought late 08 . )
W850i , 2008 . ( bought late 07 . )
W710i , 2007 . ( bought late 06 . )
iPOD classic , 2008 .
LOL . I've got all th covers except th oldest . Donno where it went .

Seeee ! My teenager so little only .

Seeee ! My teenager so little only .

My 2nd wardrobe . Before .

After :D hahaha .

My dresser drawer . Before .

After :DDD
I know i've done a great job :D LOLOL ?! Nahs . Still suckish . Omg lah . Cannot wait till schl start . I hope tmr will be a dont-get-caught-for-anything day . Also , hope at i wont get into BishanPark . ( resolution maybe ? LOLOL ! Rubbish . -.- . ) Speaking of resolution , my resolution this yearis t make sure i slim down 5kg . I MEAN IT THIS TIMEEEEEEE ;x