Reached amk, wen t buy tickets for TWILIGHT. Twilight leh! TWILIGHT YOU KNOW!? Hehehes. I've been waiting for this day ever since i started reading th book, which is around.. October liddat. Hohoho!! Finally its out. Took th 2pm show. Then went around amk see see look look. Went t buy donuts. LOL. 4 donuts for $2. Damn cheap right? They wrote there, 1 donut was for $1.20. Look at th difference man! Alot of difference right right right? Hahahah! I know i know. Then took neos. It was damn ugly lah. But i know annabelle's pretty. :D:D Damn weird lah. Hahaha.
Idk why hor, usually th theater will open like at most 15min before th show time yeah. Guess what. This time, it only opened 3min before showtime. Omg lah can. Then got so so so many people you know! All lining up. HAHAHA! I know all of them were eager. HAHAH! Went in, me and annabelle super super cannot wait you know! HAHA! Down there keep: Edward edward edwardddddd! UGRH! LOL :D. Its nice thats why lah okay. Haha. Th movie started. WOOOOTS! So nice so nice. SO NICE OKAY!! Th whole movie we were like : OMGOMGOMG! EEEEE! OOOOO! AHHHHHH! LOL? Maniacs hor. ITS NICE THATS WHY FOR TH LAST TIME I REPEAT. LMAO!
Aft th show, we went around th whole amk for donno how many times. Damn bored lah. And we were running out of money money $$$. Hahahaa. We kept chatting and chatting and chatting. Hahaha, mostly bout th twilight series. Hahahh. Heard that new moon movie is coming out alrdy! Again, CANNOT WAIT. I havent finish reading th books. Actually, i havent even finish reading NewMoon. Cause i lazy. Lol. Remember, im a pig(: . Hehes, but i will, i alrdy started reading since yesterday. LOLOL? And i'll continue buying. Midnight Sun is th 5th series. Annabelle said maybe not coming out cause its on Edward's point of view but quite alike t Twilight. Idk lah. Hahaha. Then we were talking bout angmohs. They are supersuper handsome and cute when they are in their teeeens. Then grow up alrdy hor, 30 look like 60. LOLLL. Okay lah. Not so kua zhang. But still, they look super old de lah. Angmoh super super cute okay! Thats why i told you guys i wanna migrate t aus mah! HAHAHAHA!
Okay, i took a picture of th weirdest neos. LOL. Its super super weird can. LOL. I mean, th weirdest of all lah. Excuse me, i mean i weird, not th girl gil beside me. Actually wanted t upload th neos one. Then th kuku annabelle never send me. So i'll have t wait till she goes online, which is so so rare. LOL :D