After school , rushed back home , then prepared and trained to raffle's place go trim hair . Fuck , i hate my fringe , alot . I hate it -.- . Zzz . Everytime also liddat one , qi si wo . But when i dont wear specs it looks quite nice . Urgh , but idk how t wear. LOL . Then finish cutting le , trained to amk wait for mummy come pick me up . Wtf , so long one she . I havent eat lehs , so hungry . So decided t go seven eleven buy things to eat . I queuing halfway my mother called and screamed at me say why i dint tell her i was buying things to eat -.- .... Zzz . So irritated .
Then went to My cousin's house . I mean my neice's house . LOLOL . I've got one uncle who is like , already in his seventies i think . LOLOL . HE LOOK ALOT LIKE GONGGONG . AHHHHHH! I miss my gonggong so much . Then stayed there till 6plus . Went back home , and now posting . Sian , school tmr again . Lucky tmr only got 3periods of lessons . Sian , aft that th donno what cca thingthong . Walao eh . Stupid can anot .
I hope this time , nothing's gonna go wrong.