Surfed the net and saw this freaking cute camera! The pinkpink thingy thing thong drove me deeply in love with it at first sight! HAHAH! Its so cute la! DONT YOU
THINK SO? I'm so gonna get it!!!! :D:D

GOSH!!!! SO PINK! AHHHHHH. I WANT I WANT I WANT! I know i'll get it! Yay! I can cancle something from my wishlist already! :D ITS TOUCHSCREEEEEEN. I think camera is the only thing that'll be touchscreen in my life. Haha! Phones? Touchscreen? Nah, save the money. :D I want it!!!
Went to Courts after seeing the hot camera. Then winnie wanted to get her Olympus camera. But dint get in the end. Cause no stock. Tomorrow she getting it. Haha! I can't wait to get my camera la. :D It'll be mine in no time. WOOTS WOOTS. xD I haven't bathe. Yucks, i stink. I think i better go bathe now. -.-. BYEEE :D