Monday, 300309
Woke up at 7.15am today. I kept wanting to go to the church! Hehe. Woke up and prepared for school. First period was History. Roar. Boring. After that recess already. Lend Darryle psp. He so biantai la. The level 12 song, he was trying to max it for me. But failed a lot of times. Haha. It was always the last part of the song that killed him.
Went for Math lesson. Got back my test. 11/16. ): I know its very lousy. Yeahhh. I suck la. I wanna commit suicide already. I wasn’t really concentrating in class at all. I hate myself. I wanna concentrate. But I just cannot. Went for Science lesson next. The teacher’s writing was freaking small. I kept straining my eyes just to see his dumb small ant-y words. English next. Did vocab test. Quite easy la. Last minute revision. After that CDT already. It was lunch time, but I dint eat. Psped.
Literature was the last period. So noisy la de class. I also sometimes wonder if they are Sec2s. I just don’t understand. They still play catching. -.-. 13/14 yearolds playing catching. Zzz.. They really behave like small kids. Gosh. I couldn’t even hear what the teacher was saying. So selfish la. Everytime when I wanna concentrate, the class just play themselves. I know they’ve got their friends to talk to. But excuse me, they don’t want concentrate, others want to. I can put myself in MrLeo’s shoes. The feeling sucks la. Stupid people.
Went home, jogged. Played the wii after that. Ate dinner and watched tv. And bathed. Went to bathe. Heard Randy’s voice from inside the house. So went to play with him. Marcus was still in his judo pants. Lol. Smelly idiot. He kept guailan-ing me la. Smack you! :x I’ve got no mood to aruge with him. Continued playing with Randy and slacked for awhile.
Lester you suck bigtime okay. You know what he did? I don’t give a fuck care if he is younger than me or smaller in size than me. That doesn’t give him the privilege to bully me right. He kept using his stupid soccer ball to hit my head. It hit me three times. First in my head, then near my face, then my ear!? Wtf. My patience of limit one okay. If you’re not happy with me in any ways, you could just walk away right. Must hit me issit? Did I even offend you in the first place? I don’t even remembering talking to you the moment I step out of my house. Idiot. Grow up la can. Next year P6 already still act like a 4yearold kid.
Went in and played psp. I’m thinking of getting my phone back. I’m dying without my phone. Its not that I cannot survive without a phone. Its just that, now its not holiday. Everywhere I go I also see people using phone. I just feel so left out without a phone. Sigh. And, I think they’ve punished me enough. Great, I’ve learnt my lesson. Why cant they just return me my phone.. Sigh.. Toughest parents in the whole wide world.
(Shall not post for Tuesday, 310309)
Wednesday, 010409
Woke up and went to school as usual. I’m start to hate school all over again. I just don’t know why. Sigh. I seriously want back my phone. Had English for the first period. Then Science. Then recess. Then Geography. Then History. Then Chinese. I feel so sad for the Chinese Teacher. He so freaking poor thing can.
He was bullied in class. Yeah. By Jiaxiang. Jiaxiang scolded him. I know its not really right to hit students. But I don’t think he hit them that hard, and besides, if they were quiet, I don’t think the teacher will hit them right. They are just asking for trouble arnt they. Then class end already. No one greeted him goodbye. So poorthing!!! Aiyoh. Nevermind la.
Went for Assembly. Charlotte sat with me. Finally, I’ve got a partner for that very moment. Reminded me the times when I was in yuying. Ahhhh… The talk we had was hilarious. But I’m just feeling so upset nowadays. Everytime I see jazreel, Yolande, Charlotte and zhihao/Jonas, it would remind me of Ben, Fion, Me, Qianyu. I see the way they laughed, the way they joked around. Hais. I just cannot fit in. I feel so extra, seriously. I think no one even welcomed me in the class. Urgh. HATE THIS LA. I need an listening ear badly. I need advice.. But there is just no one there for me.
The way I look is freaking me out too. I just don’t understand. The older I grow, the uglier I look. I wanna die!!!! Urgh. How I wished I was 1/10 perfect. I’ve got nothing. If someone needs to find the most imperfect person, you’ve got one right infront of your screen. I just wish for so little yet I can get none.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just wished I could hug someone now. Its just so hurting to know no one cares for me. I’m giving up in myself already. What can I do. On the outside, I may seemed like I’m so welcomed by others, but on the inside, you wont know what’s going on… I don’t know what to do already. If I end my life, maybe all my troubles would be gone. I know its also selfish. But the kinder I treat people, the more I get hurt. Just so idiotic. SIGH. Byebye. I wanna go to bed.
Happy Birthday, Nathalie&Nurul.
Happy April's Fool.
Thursday, 020409
I dont remember what i did gosh. It was normal lessons. Nothing interesting happened. Cca period had mock dance exam. I passed. But it was seriously a bad pass. I had so many crosses. I did on the spot revision. So many steps idk. Stupid.. -.-.. I'll try improve next time round. Went home, BLAHBLAH!!!! I SERIOUSLY FORGOT WHAT I DID! NEVERMIND.....
Friday, 030409
Woke up and went to school. PE was the first period. Did 2.4. WALAO EH. I NEARLY DIED LA... Cause cause cause, on thursday i also ran. At night somemore. Then i dint eat breakfast too. Totally had no energy to run. I've got the worst timing ever in my whole entire life. Dont wanna say. Say also embarass la. -.-. So tired. And the weather was seriously killing me. So freaking freaking freaking freaking FREAKING HOTHOTHOT. Roar.
Went for Science. Paid abit of attention. (: Then recess already. Bought Chinchao(Or however its spelt la.) . Then psped. Training on 5button. I so bored of 4button already. LOL. Played afew songs, and went to english class. Did situational writing again. I did finish quite fast. But i dint meet the word limit. Oh nevermind. -.-. Went for chinese after that. The chinese teacher very pitiful la really. Aiyo. I also cannot do anything. -.-. I wanna try finish his homework one. BUT CHINESE. God, i'll die. So sorry la, Mr Ho. LOL. After that was Reading. THE CRAZY TEACHER WAS TORTURING US. We went to english room. But then reading was suppose to be in the hall. So went to hall. SO HOT LAAAAAA. I was half dead already. Haiya.
Went home, prepared and went out to meet Fion supertwin. Long time no see. (: Haha! She has loads of zits. Same as me. (: HAHAHAH!!! LOL... Idk why la. I've got 3 you know!!! URGH. Went to play ddr. Stupid person. We havent even finish one game i think, someone go slide her card for the next game already. Nevermind lor. Let her play. Also not belong to me. Then went to play the 5button ddr. Wah, i forgot totally how to play that one. Then they played finished, we slide the cards. So its our turn. THEY WENT TO SLIDE OUR CARD WHEN WE HAVENT EVEN FINISH OUR GAME AGAIN. Roarrrrrr... Gave up and went to play some weird guitar thingy. I first time play. Freaking blur. Then anyhow play la. That weird person was standing behind us. -.-. Went to ddr again. Since no one was there. THIS FREAK!?!?!?! We played 2games i think. Then she go kajiao again!? WHEN WE NEVER PLAY, SHE NEVER PLAY. WHEN WE WANNA PLAY, SHE ALSO WANNA PLAY. VERY FUNNY HOR. -.-. HONGGAN CAN. -'-.
Went to eat mac. Cause dint eat lunch. Then went to Fion seetoh house. Haha. Played audition. So freaking long never play already la. Hahaa! GOT DISBURBIA. HAHAHAHA. DUM DUM DI DUM DUM DUM DI DUM DUM. My best line. I keep saying that nowadays. LOL. Indirectly scolding people DUMB. LOL!!! :X Then slack slack slack. Mummy came and fetch me. Went to Marcus' house, help his maid put songs in her mp3. Then went home. Bathed. Now blogging. Aiyoh. I damn sian la. LOL.
I cant wait till tomorrow. Church guy. :D:D I doubt he'll be there also lor. ._. Cause i also dont know. Feeling. But hope he'll be there laaaaa!!!!!!!! D: Must be there. Later i wait so long then he not there ._. Dumbdumb.

Went for Science. Paid abit of attention. (: Then recess already. Bought Chinchao(Or however its spelt la.) . Then psped. Training on 5button. I so bored of 4button already. LOL. Played afew songs, and went to english class. Did situational writing again. I did finish quite fast. But i dint meet the word limit. Oh nevermind. -.-. Went for chinese after that. The chinese teacher very pitiful la really. Aiyo. I also cannot do anything. -.-. I wanna try finish his homework one. BUT CHINESE. God, i'll die. So sorry la, Mr Ho. LOL. After that was Reading. THE CRAZY TEACHER WAS TORTURING US. We went to english room. But then reading was suppose to be in the hall. So went to hall. SO HOT LAAAAAA. I was half dead already. Haiya.
Went home, prepared and went out to meet Fion supertwin. Long time no see. (: Haha! She has loads of zits. Same as me. (: HAHAHAH!!! LOL... Idk why la. I've got 3 you know!!! URGH. Went to play ddr. Stupid person. We havent even finish one game i think, someone go slide her card for the next game already. Nevermind lor. Let her play. Also not belong to me. Then went to play the 5button ddr. Wah, i forgot totally how to play that one. Then they played finished, we slide the cards. So its our turn. THEY WENT TO SLIDE OUR CARD WHEN WE HAVENT EVEN FINISH OUR GAME AGAIN. Roarrrrrr... Gave up and went to play some weird guitar thingy. I first time play. Freaking blur. Then anyhow play la. That weird person was standing behind us. -.-. Went to ddr again. Since no one was there. THIS FREAK!?!?!?! We played 2games i think. Then she go kajiao again!? WHEN WE NEVER PLAY, SHE NEVER PLAY. WHEN WE WANNA PLAY, SHE ALSO WANNA PLAY. VERY FUNNY HOR. -.-. HONGGAN CAN. -'-.
Went to eat mac. Cause dint eat lunch. Then went to Fion seetoh house. Haha. Played audition. So freaking long never play already la. Hahaa! GOT DISBURBIA. HAHAHAHA. DUM DUM DI DUM DUM DUM DI DUM DUM. My best line. I keep saying that nowadays. LOL. Indirectly scolding people DUMB. LOL!!! :X Then slack slack slack. Mummy came and fetch me. Went to Marcus' house, help his maid put songs in her mp3. Then went home. Bathed. Now blogging. Aiyoh. I damn sian la. LOL.
I cant wait till tomorrow. Church guy. :D:D I doubt he'll be there also lor. ._. Cause i also dont know. Feeling. But hope he'll be there laaaaa!!!!!!!! D: Must be there. Later i wait so long then he not there ._. Dumbdumb.

I'll stop posting for now. Have to think of a gan for Ridley. -.-. LOL. From donno when till now also havent think. How great. Hahaha! Okay! Byebye people! Tag me please! I'm very poorthing one! LOLOL.