Day 1
Actually sat my alarm at 4am . But too tired , so th thing went snoozing for like 3omin . LOL , i pressed it 6times . Every 5min snooze one time . Its damn irritating . I almost threw my phone on th floor . Then finally i woke up . Went t bathe & prepare . Waited for my hair t dry under my aircon . I dont wanna use th hair dryer . Cause everytime i use it , my hair seemed like electrified . Very toooooot . LOL . So waited till 5.15am . Daddy and th rest woke up alrdy . They prepared . 5.50am if im not wrong , peiyee smsed me . Lol , then sms here and there here and there . Hahhh . 6am , uncle david reached our house . not long aft , we left our house and headed of t tuas . Reached tuas at .. 7.20 . I think lah , forget alrdy . Then th stupid sg custom . JAMMED US FOR 1HOUR YOU KNOW . That freaking 1hour was driving me M A D . Then went into Malaysia cstom . JAMMED FOR ANOTHER 1HOUR !?!?!? Omg lah , i nearly went siao . Uncle eric go cut our queue . Daddy said uncle james told uncle eric we were infront . ROAR . Nevermind , we were still infront cause we cut other people's queue . HAHHHH !
Aft that , went t daddy's Malaysia STEAM factory . Saw a dog . Super super cute lah . See me keep on nodded his head de . HAHAHHH ! Then went in th office slack . Waiting for other people t reach , i guess . Aft that we drived all th wa upupup alrdy . Daddy toopid lah , thought they all stopping at Gohtong Jaya for lunch , inthend never . Actually we not last car de lor , then daddy go wrong way , uncle joseph took over alrdy . Roar .
Reached hotel at 4plus alrdy . Thats th latest time i've reached there all these years ! Went for dinner at some mushroom place with uncle david . Chat chat chat . Then went out , saw a german shepard . SO CUTE LAH AIYOYO ! HAHAHA ! :D Went up again . Aft that me , winnie , daddy , spencer went first world . At first i wanted t go shopping . So spencer went cyber with daddy . Me and winnie went shopping . Shopped halfway , decided not t shop alrdy , want t go outdoor play . Hahaha . So i told daddy , daddy told me later spencer will come find me . Played pirate ship and spinner only . Cause some toooo long queue . Lazy queue . Night time play damn shiok siah . Hahahaha ! Came down from spinner , spencer came . Played again . Then went back into hotel .
Day 2
Woke up 8plus . Bathed and prepared . Met peiyee and peiming at lobby . First , we indoors t get peiming's ticket . LOL . Their mummy told us peiyee too angry with her sister that she threw peiming's ezilink and genting card into idk whr . LOL SIAH . Bought alrdy went t play th roller coaster inside . I sat with peiming . Winni sat with peiyee . Spencer sat alone . Wth lah , th two sibilings hor , abit kisiao de leh . Scream like no one's business . I think hor , so many people sit th roller coaster , only two of them were screaming -.- ..
Went outdoor aft that . Pirate ship was first again . Th stupid person who was in charge of it hor, really made me siao sia . Left 4 seats . Then we got 5 people . Somemore th 4seats infront one . Where got kick siah !? So i told th bitch i wanted t go th next round . Normally , th person will call people behind t go first . This cowdung keep saying : Just move just move . I MOVE YOUR ASS LAH TOOT . -.- . Inthend winnie peiyee peiming sat first . Then me and spencer next round . Aft that was spinner again . SOO SHIOKKKKK ! Cause it was damn damn cold . And i dint wear my jacket . Ohmymy . HAHAHH ! Then went down , next was ... Er . I think it was thundermine train . Wtf siah , th seatbelt damn fugging smelly . I nearly vomitted -.- . okay lah , not so kua zhang , but still damn damn smelllllyy !
OHYA ! I FORGOT SOMETHING . We keep seeeeing arron , jeffery and their cousins . Damn suay one can . We walk always opposite ways de leh !? Omg lah . Pekchek siah . Take th thundermine train for example . We sat finish alrdy , then when coming out that time , i saw them lining up . WTH ? Th first day we say them also . We sat finish pirate ship , then they go sit ! Wahs , pekchek sialah . LOL .
Aft thundermine train was flying dragon . Stupid , queue halfway , th train spoil . They need t fix . Oh please , i no time t wait . So jumped out of th queue . Went t corkscrew next . Peiyee and peiming dont wanna si . They scared ._. ... LOL ? Then had arguement with winnie and spencer -.- . THEY CHICKEN CAN !? I told winnie : Eh , you sit alone ah . She said : HAR ? I sit alone ah ? Then you two go play lah . Zzz . Keep arguing . Then spencer i forgot he argue with me what lah . Then inthend i sit alone . -.- . They tell me : THEN YOU SIT ALONE LAH . Fine lor , -.- . Idiots . LOL :D Then line up line up line up . Finally our turn . zzz . There was one seat left for th ride before our turn . Stupid winnie and spencer , and th people behind me , go say : EH go lah ! Then th chinese people say : Qing wen ni shi bu shi yi ge ren ?... I dont let him complete i go sit alrdy -.- . Stupid . Somemore sit beside me one is boy . Donno who th heck is he of course . Before we went , dumbass spencer go say , BD . YEAH !? BD = BAD DAY ! Then he told me : BLIND DATE -.- . Wtf , i know they blind :D .
Aft th ride , went t find peiyee and peiming . Peiming dissapeared . LOL . Peiyee told me she went back hotel get her leggings , cause tooo cold . Aiyohs . LOL . We donno whether t wait for her . So inthend never wait . Went t Flying coaster . LOLOLOL ! Just nice four people mah . So bought th tickets , went up . Spencer beside me . Peiyee and winnie tgt . Spencer keep saying , I SCARED LEH I SCARED LEH I SCARED TH UPSIDE DOWN I WILL DROP LEH !? =.= . He drop i tell you , i fly alrdy . Zz . His size with drop ? Pui lah . LOL ? Then went up , FLY FLY FLY :D SO NICE LAH . Hahaha , then come down hor , i donno what happen t peiyee and winnie sia , both of them went crazy . I was th first t come down from th thing . Then spencer , then winnie . Aft that , so long alrdy peiyee still dont wanna come down . I shouted : SCARED UNTIL LIDDAT MEH ?? LOL . Then winnie went t hit her butt , then she wanna come down . HAHAHAHA ! MAKE ME LAUGH TILL PENG SIAH ! HAHA !
Aft that peiyee called uncle james t ask if peiming left th hotel alrdy . uhoh , we lost her . Winnie and spencer went t spinner and find while me and peiyee went t corkscrew and find . Heng , we found her . She so angry alrdy lah . SORRY OKAY ! ._. LOL . But she's dumb and smart lah . Hahhhs .
Aft that was lunch . Went t meeeet mummy and daddy at mcdonalds . So many people . Omg . No space . Th queue also super duper long . Alamak . Then inthend bought th food . Ate finish , daddy and mummy go watch movie . Spencer go cyber again . Then th rest of us went shopping . Peiming bought th most amount of things lah . Aiyohs . Spencer finished cyber alr , he followed us , he super pekchek la . Cause shopping not boy's stuff mah . Hahhh .
Went outdoor again , cause spencer face damn black alrdy . Played super tobogan and i forgot what alrdy . peiyee and peiming and winnie dint play . Cause they tired . Lol . Super tobogan need take weight . Maximum , 70kg . Minimum , 35kg . Aiyohs . I see my weight i nearly faint . But , at least i went down 1kg :D HAHHHH . I saw a pink car . Hahahah . Number 8 . I wanted t sit that car . So i was down there wishing when reach my turn i'll sit that car . Then so zhun i reallly sit that car . WOOOOTS ! Hahahaha !
Aft that went back hotel and bathed then went downstairs t have dinner at Coffee Terrace . Buffet lai de . Saw uncle james's family there . Saw uncle david too . Then my leg damn suan sia . So i couldnt walk much , i told winnie help me take food . She still told me follow her -.- . Inthend i only took pasta and fish . Th rest winnie helped me take . Uncle david gimme satay . THANKYOU :D He also gave me th choc icecream . Cause he took th last one alrdy . Thanks lah . Hah .
Finished alrdy , i was freeezing cold . I thought i was having fever ._. . Lol , then i went up , changed my slippers t shoes . Went t arcade play . With peiyee they all . I thought they pangseh us -.- . Played till 9plus went shopping with mummy and aunty . Mummy's face damn black i also have no idea why . Lol , then shoppped till 10.40pm liddat i battery flat alrdy , i wanna faster lie down flat , and fall asleeep . LOL .
Day 3
Woke up 9plus . Bathed & prespared . Mummy and daddy packing th things properly so we can move out alrdy . Hahaha . Check out time latest was 12 . uncle james told us they all checking out at 11.30 . So went shopping until th time was up . Hahah . Met them at th lobby , went down t gohtong jaya and had lunch .
Nice food okay ! So nice , hahaha . But i ate too full , i needed t use th toilet . Hahaha . Aft th toilet , they all eat durian finish alrdy , no more left for me . Th kuku uncle joseph ask who havent eat . He see my plate no durian seeed , he say , THERE SHANETTE HAVENT EAT . LOL ? So uncle ken took one durian to our table . I eating halfway , uncle joseph say , Orh , got durian eat alrdy har ! Hahhaha ! LOL . Cute right he . HAHAA .
Aft that bought discs . Pirated one . LOL . hsm3 , twilight , blahblah . Bolt alrdy have . hahhhhs . Then off we went home . Got stops along th way for toilet . Hahahhh . I slept for 2halfhours in th car . My head damn giddy lah . Then reached sg around 6plus . Reached home 7 alrdy .
Thats th end of Genting Trip . It was kinda nice trip lah . enjoyed it even though dennis and nicholas dint go with us . Hahh :D . Looking forard t th next trip again (: , i'll never get bored of it . Hahhh . And CNY is ard th corner . I'll be able t see all of them again :D Hohohos . Loooking super super super forwardd .