Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Heya. Yesterday went to Hougang. Ate western food. There were freaking so many boys there. All HIHS one. They kept staring at me. Yeah, i wore tight fitting shirt yesterday. So maybe i too fat, they down there critisizing me. -.-... Then finished eating went arcade play awhile. The DDR NO MORE!!!!! D: Left the 5button one. ._. I DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY THAT IDIOTIC THINGY THING THONG.. ._. They changed the DDR machine with parapara. Alamak.
So played 2games i think. Then i went off already. Stupid la. Lol. Reached home, my restaurant city was still running. LOLOL. The waitress and the cooks were all so tired :X Haha. Watched Bring It On. :D After that went up to jog. Very slow motion i tell you. My knee behind so pain if i run too fast. Zzz. So idiotic.
Today reached school and normal lessons. Art lesson teacher said my house like mansion. LOLOLOL. Then everyone was like, you live where? where is your house? i wanna go your house leh! ._. Shen jing bing. LOL. My house not big okay.
Cca period had dance test. I just passed. Indeed i'm the most IMPERFECT person on earth. Tsk. Just hate the way i do things sometimes. Whatever. I don't wanna post anymore. Fyi, might be changing to wordpress. Dont relink if you don't want. (:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Okay, I wanna dye my hair. Now. I don't know what colour i want. Nono. I know what colour i want. Its just that i don't know what's it called. I cannot wait till 1st June. Till i get to see Annabelle Chua baby. :D
Now still doing E-learning. I left with English. Its a situational writing. Yeah, i'm totally not concentrating, at all. I've been staring at the question since 8am. Till now, i have no clue how to write it. No one can help me either. I think if i were back in yuying, there would currently be chaos over the phone right now.
Yeah, missing the old times again. Good times... Bad times... All also have. Sigh.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I feel like giving my blog up.
Saturday, 180409
(Posting again cause the previous post i wrote it out of anger or something liddat.)
Woke up at 10plus. Cause Friday slept at 2plus. Actually was gonna fall asleep at around 11plus. Then suddenly Klaryce and Ray's conversation conference suddenly popped out. I was like O.O... Cause i dont know what they talking. I was using psp, so very slow. And they were like so fast. I just sent a WAIT and i hurried off to on my computer. Then chat with mostly jie, cause ray was busy dota-ing, i'm sure. Well, chatted with them till 1plus. Then i think i dc-ed. Then log in again, Andrew's conversation popped out. Talked to him awhile. Then slept.
Spammed calls for Big Sister Klaryce Lim. :D She was sucha pig. (Opps? I think i woke up around the same time as her :X STILL SHE IS LATER THAN ME! :D) Then met her at 12 for breakfast/lunch. LOL. By the time i prepared, it was like already 11plus. Then reached amk at 12.05 or something liddat. She play cheat la, uncle fetch her. HAHA. Ate finish, mummy came and pick us up for dance class. YAY! I love dance! :D
For the first time after 5classes, i managed to dance properly. I only made a mistake at the LAST part. Cause it was a new routine. Teacher just taught us. Haha. Then finished dance, we were sweating like hell. So hot so hot so hot...!! Daddy fetched jie to bugis. Then fetched me home. I suddenly no mood at all. ._. Cause i guess i cannot watch the movies i wanted to watch uh.
Then i dont know what happened to me you know. I was supposed to go to the Church right. The mass is at 6.15. I 6pm suddenly said i dont want to go. Winnie still went. Then i emo-ed all the way. Siao leh me. Nevermind. Rotted at home like no one's business. Then went winnie came back, i asked if the guy got come. HE DID. OH MY GOD LA. Actually i knew. I just dont know why i dint go. Idiotic. Next week i'll go. I know he'll be there. HE WILL!!!!!
My father very curious why i so emo the whole day. But when my maid came back, i hyper like siao. Then i got somehow scolded. ._. So i told him the truth lor. I told him i super not happy i cannot watch the movies i wanted and the week after i've got to study study study like some fucking mad woman. I only asked for one free day yet no one is free. It just feels so bad to be rejected.
That was at 8plus. I watched tv after that. I watched Norbit. HAHAHAH! That show is freaking freaking funny. I cannot stop laughing. HAHAH!! After the show i went and bathe. Then used the computer awhile. I use halfway my dad called me out. He suggested to me, me and winnie go watch the two movies i wanted tomorrow in the afternoon. I also wanted to get new clothes and my bag. So i asked him then when go parkway. He asked i go parkway do what. I said go there la. Then he forced it out of me again. ._. Rahhs. My mother got so angry(idk why) she just stormed into her room and went to sleep. I did the same. But after awhile i walked out and watched tv till 1plus i think or 12.
Sunday, 190409
Woke up at 10. The glaring sun was driving me mad mad mad. Winnie told me i was going parkway at 11plus later. O.O. I thought she kidding only so i dint went to bathe. I waited for parents to come home from the market. So they told me the plan. They said mummy will bring me to Parkway to get my stuffs right after i bathe. Then in the afternoon i'll go watch the two movies i wanted. So i did. I bought my M)phosis bag and slipper. I went into 77th street. I wanted to buy some hip clothes for dance. But i couldnt find anything suitable. It was mostly hoodies. I want, but dancing makes me sweaty. Imagine me wearing a hoodie. God, i'll be bathing. Free water. HAHA. Finished shopping at around 12.
Went home to fetch Winnie for the movies. Watched 17 Again & Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience. My mother kept grumbling. I can don't watch one. Is my dad insist i should go if not i cannot concentrate on my studies. So i dont know why my mother mouth couldnt stop moving. -.- ...

17 Again was freaking nice!!!!! :D:D:D Zac Effron is like, Ohmy HOTHOTHOT. HE SO CUTE LAAAAAAA!!! Heheehh. Then watched the JonasBrothers one. HAHA. 3D! Reminded me of Australia Movie World. I watched one Shrek thingthong in some 3D theater. That one the seat also can movie. How scary. You won't know when it'll move. Scary. HAHA. So nice so nice so nice!!!! JONAS BROTHERS MUST COME SINGAPORE !!!!!!!!!!!! MUST MUST MUST!!!! They must!!! I will go, surely!!! I'll make sure i'll get front seats. I'll buy the tickets the moment they are selling. I'll go wait for them 5days before they even reached singapore. HAHAHA!!! That's how insane i am.
Monday, 200409
Woke up early, went for breakfast with daddy and mummy at Heartland. I saw Lilong! :D Haha. And one prefect guy from 2B. HAHA. Reached school, i realised i was late. Not really that late, but usually i'm always the first to reach. Haha. So considered late ba. Supposed to have a History test, but alot of people forgot, INCLUDING ME!!! So teacher postponed the test to next monday. Yay!! :D So happy la. Haha. Normal lessons all the way. Had Vocab test. I got 10/15. Not that bad la. Heheh. I studied on the spot. Can get this score very lucky already ~
Then Literature watched the Dead Poet Society again. I only watched the back part. Cause i fell asleep again. LOL. It was kind funny. I think i wanna watch the whole thing. Have to go buy disc. ._. Reached home, did nothing. The computer was locked yesterday. So i couldnt use. Waited for mummy to come back and on it. Haha. I used the excuse say i wanna do dnt. Inthend also cannot do. -.-. Blahblah. Did my homework and stuff. Went to suf the net about polytechnics after that. I am so lost. I don't know what kind of job i want now. At all. I dont know. -.-.... So stupid la. This year is streaming, after two years, i'll have to choose my course already. Yet i don't know what i want. See, i'm such a loser in life la.
Tuesday, 210409
Went to school as usual. I saw Yolande at the opposite school the busstop. Haha. Then went mummy drived in to my school, i saw her walking into school too. LOL. When i just sat down at the hall, she arrived. Good timing. :D HAHA.
Jazreel and peeps assumed that geography teacher dint come. Cause today was Choir SYF. Then our geography teacher is choir teacher. Haha. But she did come. At a later timing then she go for the SYF. Haha. Normal lessons still. Recess dint eat. Followed Jazreel to English classroom and waited for class to start.
Dnt sucks la. I have to hand up my work on thursday. Ohshit. I am so dead. I got alot of things don't know how to do. I'm planning to ask mummy. I hope she knows. ( I dont think she knows though. LOL..) Still have to finish no matter what.
Tomorrow's E-learning day! YAY!! :D No need to go school. LALALA~ But so evil la, cause my brother is at home tomorrow too. He also E-learning day. See la, how qiao. Tsktsk. But i planning to treat him for lunch. See la, i so good yet he so bullshit. -.-. Nevermind. I know i good can le. LOL!! I think i'll be going Hougang tomorrow if i'm not wrong. Haha. Alright, shall stop my long post here. Cause i know my precious readers eyes are dropping out anytime now if i still dont stop. :X BYEEE!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Yeah, life sucks.
Not going anywhere tonight, tomorrow, the day after and the day after. Blahblah. I give up already. Dont call me out already. I don't want go out already. No one is free. And when you're free, i'm not. I don't want to think so much fuck already. I dont care. I deleted my wishlist. No more. I dont wanna watch anything already. Lets just stay at home and rot like fuck. Byebye. As for computer, i dont think i'll be using it often now. Study la. Whatever la. Life is like that. It just goes on and on and on and on like no one's business la. Zzzzz... So lets follow the stupid routine.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I feel I'm getting very racist nowadays. Its not my fault.
Reading was the last period. I hate Fridays. I get helll every time we're going home. Stupid. The teacher is also another hell. Blahblah. SHE IS DAMN THE STUPID & UNREASONABLE. (Black person.) School ended at 1.15 supposingly. But she let us off at 1.30. Stupid la. Though it's only 15minutes, its still minutes right?! -.-.
Went back home and do usual stuffs. Watch HSM3~~ So nice, i'm lovin it~ :D Watch watch watch till 5pm. Ate dinner and went to SPC buy one kinder bueno and come back home. Winnie wanna wait for Joy to come out. Haha, saw marcus first. With randy. Dropped so much hair. But can see it's growing back. Joy said i slimmed down. SO REAL. -.-. More like i've put on weight la. Chatted chatted chatted, playplayplay with Randy.
Then this fucking black neighbour of mine scolded Joy. He scolded Joy for letting Randy run up and down up and down the road, then his black dog become so aggresive it might just run out of the house and his fucking black house's gate is not locked. And say's marcus sister keep falling down cause of running up and down with the dog. AND says that if we wanna walk the dog, dont walk pass his house. He this idiot was actually talking bout my maid cause she was the one who started the up and down thing.
Excuse me, first things first. Is it our problem that the dog will run away and in the first place you dint lock up your gate? No right? Second thing, do you own the road? Has the road got your name down there? No right? Third, the girl fall down, is it any of your business? No right? Fourth, do you have any rights to reprimand an innocent maid? NO RIGHT?!?!?! SO WHY START SCOLDING IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE.
If you're so scared that your dog will run away, then you should lock your idiot black gate. And who do the hell do you think you are? You scold we must listen to you issit? You president meh? Your house very big ah? Your dog very big ah? We pass by your house got wrong issit? You don't like people pass by your house go find one deserted island and live there la! Or if you're rich enough go find one place and shoo everyone away and have the whole place to yourself la!? Its our dog, its our feet. We wanna walk pass your house, none of your business. We wanna run the dog up and down, its none of your business. You think she's a maid you can scold issit? Can bully issit? What the hell. You human she also human. Got difference meh? Have la, we can see the maids at night, but if you're on the streets walking, i don't think i can see you la. Camouflage with the dark dark sky. (: Its not my eye cock, is you too black. :D
Cannot stand this kind of people. Idiotic people. Now back to me. I'M SO UGLY!!!!!! ): My teeth, i need braces. I don't want!!! AHHHHH. Tsk, why can't i just have one natural loook that is AT LEAST average looking la.. I'm way below average la. So sad leh!! ): I wanna change hairstyle. Any suggestions? Haha. I'm gonna take care of my face, i dont care.. Fion haven't tell me whether she can go out anot!!!! I need an answer!! AHHHHH!!! ):
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Very stressed out.
School was kinda fun today. Normal lessons. Cca period practise dance. But very rojak cause teacher did not turn up. LOLOL. Then watched previous SYF modern dances. Watched Cedar Girls, Temasek, Changkat Changi( Whatever la. Donno how to spell.), Tanjong Katong Girls, National Junior College. Wanted to watch Deyi. But the disk got problem. Cannot open. Temasek one was freaking cool! Abit of techno techno song inside. HAHAH! So cool!
Went opposite school with Jazreel after school. Bought bubbletea and sweetcorn. :D Was chatting with Jazreel. (: I have a nice time yo. Returned back to school, and saw Yolande with my psp. LOL. She told me she wanted to kill time. Haha!! Then slacked at foyer there. Then went up to hall for Napfa test.
Then Jazreel and Nathalie and Yolande were like jumping over the string at the hall door there. They jump jump jump, Yolande's last jump was like batman,superman. LOL!!! So funny laaaaaa!! LOL.. But she got hurt. Cause she fell down BADLY. Not so badly la, but i think she hurt her bones. Awww...
Did those five stations. Mr Tan was our Teacher In Charge. Everyone was happy. Haha. Joke teacher. LOL. Did pullups first. They all so pro la. So scary, i no confidence. Then did Standing Broad Jump. God.... I very lousy. Then Sit&Reach. Best i did was this. -.-. Then situp. Then shuttle run.
I have to admit la. I'm no sports person. Sigh. All those swimming i did last time, all those running i did last time, all those sporty things i did last time, all gone to waste.. Haiyo. I became shit already. My stamina like damn low la.
Pull Up : 7
Standing Broad Jump : 145
Sit&Reach : 57
Sit Up : 30
Shuttle Run : 12.4
Sigh. This is the suckiest results I've got in all those years. Though my pullup improved. Last year i did 1! -.-. And my Sit&reach. The rest leh? Kns. -.-. Hais. Nevermind la. I don't care already. Tomorrow's 2.4. I know i'll sure fail. Now i totally have no confidence at all.. Yeah. Just now reached home wanted to go stadium jog. But then suddenly like drizzling. So went back home and went to jog on top my threadmill. Yeah, i use the time there and gage, i fail ding le. Haiyo. Nevermind la. I'm just so odd la.
Seriously, my class very good leh. Even the biggest size person is like so much stronger than me la. I meant, much more better than me. Haiyo. I SUCK LIKE SHIT LA. I cannot find ONEEEEE positive thing of myself. I've got no looks, my size is like cowdung, my character idk. I doubt is good anyway. SIGH... I suck la. Very zibei you know. Walao. Then now i've got pimples. The worst thing in my life. I hate pimples. I don't know what to do. I think because nowadays i sweat too much. What the hell. When i don't sweat, i've got no pimples, but i cannot slim down. When i sweat, i've got pimples, but i slim down. I've got to sacrifice one thing. What la. So evil la.. ):
And my eyebags. So big i don't even dare to take photo of myself. Only certain angles i take cannot see. And my pictures also don't look like me. Some people even think i editted it what the hell. I only put in words and adjust lightings only what. HAIYO. I AM SO UGLY. I AM THE UGLIEST PERSON IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD.. ):
Tomorrow cannot go out already. I don't want. I no mood to. I think Sunday then i go out. I want to go out.. ):
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I wanna go catch a movie(S)! LOL.
So, guess who i dreamt of. (: ITS DENNIS YEO JIE RONG. LOLOLOL!! I think too much of memories flashing through my mind. Me and him = ArchEnemies. HAHA! I'm kidding la. I doubt he remembers me anyway. My dream ws that we became freaking close friends it freaked me out. LOL. Even closer than P4 times. Scary. Haha! But nothing close to ehem ehem. LMAO. Wanna see him soon! ( Though i don't know when. -.-... )
School was still normal. Had Science test. Gosh, i fail already la. 2pages totally blank. AHHHH... I'm so dead. Geography test gotten back. I failed by half a mark. How saddening la. Nevermind, i'll work harder. History test is coming up next wednesday. AHHHH. Tomorrow is Dance test. GODGODGOD. Had assembly. Freaking long la. School was supposed to end at 2.15pm. But it ended at 2.40pm. BLAH!!! So irritating la.
Just now was jogging halfway and i fell down. OUCH? PAIN MUCH? -.-. Then rested awhile. Don't want to jog already. I scared fall down again. Then did situps. Tomorrow is my napfa test FYI. I cmi already. ): My standing broad jump. AHHHH. After situps, practised funk jazz with my maid. SHE DID CHICKEN DANCE VERSION OF MY FUNK JAZZ DANCE. LOLOLOL!!!! I cannot stop laughing. HAHAHA.
I'm planning my weekend already. Since I cannot meet Charmaine, i asked Crystal out. But she totally hates JonasBrothers ): So cannot ask her out. I asked Peiyee out. She havent give me a reply. I think i'm gonna ask Annabelle soon. I've got to get everything planned out by tomorrow!!! If not my mother will kill me. I plan to watch finish all the shows stated in my wishlist. I REALLY DO. Exams are so near i can hardly go out over the next few weeks. I have to get everything done by this and next week! I HAVE TO!
Alright, now where shall i continue my post with.. Oh ya! The dance test tomorrow! I HAVENT YET PRACTISE. Ohmygod. I'm so dead. I seriously don't remember the steps. HOW! -.-... Blahblah. Hope the teacher won't come tomorrow :X & I just read through charmaine's past. LOL! No la, i only read the 2007 post. The Latern Festival post. Cause that post sure got my name :X LOL! YEAH, HAVE. SHE SAID SHE LOVED ME. HAHAHAH! But, she spelled my name as SHANETTETANSETENG. Holycow. Sure is spelling mistake la. HAHA! :D
Think i'm done here. BYE!!