RAHHHH . My mood . Like keep swinging .
Rahs . Nvm . Youknowwht ? My phone was confiscated , again .
1st reason , bao sms .
2nd reason , dontwant t say .
Sian can w/o phone . sigh . Nvm . I miss smsing my honey lo !
He uh , make me siao uhs . Say want t talk t my mummy .
Tio chua can . HAHA ! Then aft schl cannot sms him alr , cos no phone le .
Then aft schl was uber bored ):
Nothing t do realllyy . Aft i did wht i was suppose t do , went t chat w/ my maid .
Nvm , at least chat w/ her i not so emo can . before tht i nearly died .
LOL . Like real ? Sians . Nvm . I feel so annoyed . I want back my phone .
Sigh , nvm . ill try nor . Shall end my post here .
Bye .
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ive got nothing t post . Rah . Sunday is a lowlowlow day .
Cos th next day will be a schl day .
& now's alr 9pm . Sigh . in another 1 hour time i have t off th computer alr .
& i dont even have th mood t post . Assholes ? Stop talking bout nico will die ?
Now i officially xuan bu ! 我不喜欢nicochiayixian了!
I mean it humans . Alr out of my mind . So from this very moment !
Ask me who he is ? IDONTKNOW !
Rahhs . Asses . All asses . Sians .
Nvm . I'll forget forget & I WILL FORGET !
Zz . Ohya . My birthday's in another 24days time .
Anyone got presents for me ? i guess no lorhs . Haha .
All boxim de . My blog i ask for tag niah , all view&run .
Zz . Still on msn ask me things bout my blog . Stupid luh you all .
Shall end my post now . Bye . Wish me goodluck . For tmr . Not getting caught in schl please .
I dontwant t play any more games w/ th dm . Tiring & i've got enough .
Another i get caught , i think ... Sigh . Dontwant t say .
Bye .
Cos th next day will be a schl day .
& now's alr 9pm . Sigh . in another 1 hour time i have t off th computer alr .
& i dont even have th mood t post . Assholes ? Stop talking bout nico will die ?
Now i officially xuan bu ! 我不喜欢nicochiayixian了!
I mean it humans . Alr out of my mind . So from this very moment !
Ask me who he is ? IDONTKNOW !
Rahhs . Asses . All asses . Sians .
Nvm . I'll forget forget & I WILL FORGET !
Zz . Ohya . My birthday's in another 24days time .
Anyone got presents for me ? i guess no lorhs . Haha .
All boxim de . My blog i ask for tag niah , all view&run .
Zz . Still on msn ask me things bout my blog . Stupid luh you all .
Shall end my post now . Bye . Wish me goodluck . For tmr . Not getting caught in schl please .
I dontwant t play any more games w/ th dm . Tiring & i've got enough .
Another i get caught , i think ... Sigh . Dontwant t say .
Bye .
Saturday, June 28, 2008
ohmyhell .
There ARE such things as MIRACLEs . Rahhs .
So many happy endings i see . Im feeling so jealous . HAHA !
Lets see :
Charmaine's back w/ leon . Rah ?! Aft so long .? Ohmyhell .
Angela patched back w/ eric . It was w/ MYY help :D Haha . bhb -.-
Joy's back w/ kenneth . Gooooooddddd .
weiting&cindy's relationship last for more than 1mth . Tht's amazing for them ! HAHA !
Rachael found her perfect Mrright :D
&&& !
Joy's first month w/ her std was like so sweet can .
Charmaine's got wht she wanted !?
Weiting&cindy , should be having happy endings ;D
Angela is also very happy for wht i did for her .
Rachael is sososo happy w/ her boyf .
OMGG luhs . So envy . HAHA .
Ohyeahhhhhhhh . Tell you something .
I can promise . HAHA ! Im happy happy happy :D
LOL . Damn . Im zihighing =.-
Haha . Wish you all LAST LOOOONG LOOOONG :DD
There ARE such things as MIRACLEs . Rahhs .
So many happy endings i see . Im feeling so jealous . HAHA !
Lets see :
Charmaine's back w/ leon . Rah ?! Aft so long .? Ohmyhell .
Angela patched back w/ eric . It was w/ MYY help :D Haha . bhb -.-
Joy's back w/ kenneth . Gooooooddddd .
weiting&cindy's relationship last for more than 1mth . Tht's amazing for them ! HAHA !
Rachael found her perfect Mrright :D
&&& !
Joy's first month w/ her std was like so sweet can .
Charmaine's got wht she wanted !?
Weiting&cindy , should be having happy endings ;D
Angela is also very happy for wht i did for her .
Rachael is sososo happy w/ her boyf .
OMGG luhs . So envy . HAHA .
Ohyeahhhhhhhh . Tell you something .
I can promise . HAHA ! Im happy happy happy :D
LOL . Damn . Im zihighing =.-
Haha . Wish you all LAST LOOOONG LOOOONG :DD
Heyo ! Im finally back home .
Ohgod . Today's such a long day .
Im ohsotired alright !
Went t escape theme park w/ angela,nat,choolin .
So fun luh can ! But when angela came , nat&choolin felt so left out .
I think ? Haha ! I donno . They gave me tht impression .
haha . Nvm . They went home early .
So left me&angela . Super funny luh can !
Kept playing non stop .
Tired can . Haha ! Me&angela hair like siaochabor liddat .
Fly here&thr during th interval . Haha !
& pirate ship , more FUNNY .
I laugh until i nearly dropped down . LOL . Somemore i sit last one .
HAHA ! We sit th last one . Then th opposite we saw someone who looked exactly like th MDM ARMPIT . HAHAHA ! But th woman like crazy or something lo .
Th boat was like still so low , they strt scream&waving le .
Then they like wanna jump down th boat liddat sial .
WTF ? HAha ! Laugh until peng lo !?
Haha ! Thr got so many funny people .
Ohyaohya , I also mannaged t make angela patch back w/ her std .
Her std like christopher siol . Slap his face luh .
Haha . Nvm , back tgt alrdy .
ANGELATANXUEYING , you ought t thank me alright ! HAHA !
Then was about time so went back alrdy .
But , mummy&daddy came t fetch me .
Went t hougang mall . I was alrdy half asleep le .
Hahaa . Nvm , was smsing honey .
Went back home . & now posting . Haha :D
Sian . I am soo thirsty . RAH !
Nothing t do now luhs .
Alright , here are th pictures tday .
Shall end my post now . Byee .

Ohgod . Today's such a long day .
Im ohsotired alright !
Went t escape theme park w/ angela,nat,choolin .
So fun luh can ! But when angela came , nat&choolin felt so left out .
I think ? Haha ! I donno . They gave me tht impression .
haha . Nvm . They went home early .
So left me&angela . Super funny luh can !
Kept playing non stop .
Tired can . Haha ! Me&angela hair like siaochabor liddat .
Fly here&thr during th interval . Haha !
& pirate ship , more FUNNY .
I laugh until i nearly dropped down . LOL . Somemore i sit last one .
HAHA ! We sit th last one . Then th opposite we saw someone who looked exactly like th MDM ARMPIT . HAHAHA ! But th woman like crazy or something lo .
Th boat was like still so low , they strt scream&waving le .
Then they like wanna jump down th boat liddat sial .
WTF ? HAha ! Laugh until peng lo !?
Haha ! Thr got so many funny people .
Ohyaohya , I also mannaged t make angela patch back w/ her std .
Her std like christopher siol . Slap his face luh .
Haha . Nvm , back tgt alrdy .
ANGELATANXUEYING , you ought t thank me alright ! HAHA !
Then was about time so went back alrdy .
But , mummy&daddy came t fetch me .
Went t hougang mall . I was alrdy half asleep le .
Hahaa . Nvm , was smsing honey .
Went back home . & now posting . Haha :D
Sian . I am soo thirsty . RAH !
Nothing t do now luhs .
Alright , here are th pictures tday .
Shall end my post now . Byee .

Friday, June 27, 2008
Dont tell me nico , if not i stab your mouth i tell you .
Dont tell me nico , if not i stab your mouth i tell you .
Trying hard not t fall in love .Trying very very hard .Also at th same time trying t forget th pastYou were th one who gave me faith t forget those
past .But i really dont wish t fall in love
My "love meter" inside me alrdy reached 101%& its really hard t control . & there you
are ,still trying t make me fall in loveBoy , Stop it . I really dont wish everything t
start all over .Really i dont wish !
Yo . Super no mood luh dey .
I dontknow how many times i want to tio caught bodoh .
Bloody armpit . My hair&uni tio caught bodoh . Pb luh .
Then she down thr nagnagnag . wtf . W/ th principal .
Wah , th principal uber gaoxiao luh . Like humpty dumpty liddat .
Me&angela laugh till cannot talk . Lmao ! Only tht time luh .
Haha , then they went into th general ofc le , we sit outside .
I smsing honey . xD . Told him wht happened .
Cos i super angry can . Get caught donno how many times .
I pekchek , then i bochap le luh .
Then angela parents come le , wakao eh . Her father horr , scary siol .
Right aft angela's parents left , my mummy came . Moodswing luh she . Lmfaos .
Then crapcrapcrap . Same things luh . My uni skirt t big cos i use it as hipster wht .
Then i bought donno how many sizes smaller de skirt . Damn tight can . Put in waist wtf .
& fxxking long bodoh ! Nvm , i got ways t make it short :D
Then aft tht finish le , went t toilet t change . Saw angela . Chuatio luh .
I thought she went back up t classrm le .
Na li zhi dao she wait for me . Haaha . Lovemysweetheart luh dey x3
Then went up , sci lesson . Didnt went for it . Cos over le ! YAY ! Just right time siol .
Aft tht was recess le woots :D I didnt eat . Stupid honeystd , steal my swthart .
Boxim luh ! Rmb your airen , dont rmb me le luh , aiya sua luh ! xP
Then was chinese . Hell cher luh , all stepstep . I tell you i step your face siol -.-
Took away my maths book . Wtf ? Nvm , still tell me i give her buaysong eh bin .
Tmd ? you take my book away i still havent say , now tell me i give you buaysong eh bin ?
Go mati luh -.- Was starting t have stomach pains agn . Urghhhzxz .
I want t sleep lo , but any cher infront kept nagging . I hear also irritated .
Aft tht , someone walked passed and diao my honeystd wor .
& hear from qianyu its sam girlf th group siol . I chuatio agn -.- !
Sam girlf paikia meh ? Aiya , idc . Then maths lesson . Stupid . Cher scolded me for nothing .
Asshole luh , whr buaysong ? All aim me ? Me very nice t aim uh ! Mamahai luh !
Then told you i lost th ZERO08 card at home . She scolded me agn .
She say i everything nvr bring then come t schl for wht !?
WTF ? WHR GOT CAN ! I GOT BRING LO ! TMD ! You go die luh !
Then my dii , liyang , also lost at home , she no scold .
Just say say niah . BYERS CAN ! Boys whr good sial ? Buttock good uh ?!
Cheebong ! Then aft schl she tell me go see her . I see her lo .
Then she say my hair not accepted . Aiya , i know luh . Say enough alr anot ?
So noisy , keep barking . Then t shut her mouth up , i told her i trimming my hair over th weekends . Then she diamdiam le , then i can go le .
& here i am blogging .
Stupid honey , boxim luh . Meet dm from 11.30 till now de meh ? Boxim luh hor . Finish also nvr tell me . Boxim boxim D:
Alright , shall end my post tday . Oh ya . I didnt go t angela's house . Because of my hair luh .
Nvm . Byee .
I dontknow how many times i want to tio caught bodoh .
Bloody armpit . My hair&uni tio caught bodoh . Pb luh .
Then she down thr nagnagnag . wtf . W/ th principal .
Wah , th principal uber gaoxiao luh . Like humpty dumpty liddat .
Me&angela laugh till cannot talk . Lmao ! Only tht time luh .
Haha , then they went into th general ofc le , we sit outside .
I smsing honey . xD . Told him wht happened .
Cos i super angry can . Get caught donno how many times .
I pekchek , then i bochap le luh .
Then angela parents come le , wakao eh . Her father horr , scary siol .
Right aft angela's parents left , my mummy came . Moodswing luh she . Lmfaos .
Then crapcrapcrap . Same things luh . My uni skirt t big cos i use it as hipster wht .
Then i bought donno how many sizes smaller de skirt . Damn tight can . Put in waist wtf .
& fxxking long bodoh ! Nvm , i got ways t make it short :D
Then aft tht finish le , went t toilet t change . Saw angela . Chuatio luh .
I thought she went back up t classrm le .
Na li zhi dao she wait for me . Haaha . Lovemysweetheart luh dey x3
Then went up , sci lesson . Didnt went for it . Cos over le ! YAY ! Just right time siol .
Aft tht was recess le woots :D I didnt eat . Stupid honeystd , steal my swthart .
Boxim luh ! Rmb your airen , dont rmb me le luh , aiya sua luh ! xP
Then was chinese . Hell cher luh , all stepstep . I tell you i step your face siol -.-
Took away my maths book . Wtf ? Nvm , still tell me i give her buaysong eh bin .
Tmd ? you take my book away i still havent say , now tell me i give you buaysong eh bin ?
Go mati luh -.- Was starting t have stomach pains agn . Urghhhzxz .
I want t sleep lo , but any cher infront kept nagging . I hear also irritated .
Aft tht , someone walked passed and diao my honeystd wor .
& hear from qianyu its sam girlf th group siol . I chuatio agn -.- !
Sam girlf paikia meh ? Aiya , idc . Then maths lesson . Stupid . Cher scolded me for nothing .
Asshole luh , whr buaysong ? All aim me ? Me very nice t aim uh ! Mamahai luh !
Then told you i lost th ZERO08 card at home . She scolded me agn .
She say i everything nvr bring then come t schl for wht !?
WTF ? WHR GOT CAN ! I GOT BRING LO ! TMD ! You go die luh !
Then my dii , liyang , also lost at home , she no scold .
Just say say niah . BYERS CAN ! Boys whr good sial ? Buttock good uh ?!
Cheebong ! Then aft schl she tell me go see her . I see her lo .
Then she say my hair not accepted . Aiya , i know luh . Say enough alr anot ?
So noisy , keep barking . Then t shut her mouth up , i told her i trimming my hair over th weekends . Then she diamdiam le , then i can go le .
& here i am blogging .
Stupid honey , boxim luh . Meet dm from 11.30 till now de meh ? Boxim luh hor . Finish also nvr tell me . Boxim boxim D:
Alright , shall end my post tday . Oh ya . I didnt go t angela's house . Because of my hair luh .
Nvm . Byee .
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ahhhhhs . So late then online luhs me .
Hehes . Honey told me t :D Hahaas .
So here im . I donno wht t do luhs .
Sians . Nvm . Chou annabellelaogong .
LOL ! Nvm her uuuhs .
Then just now brother ahhai de lo .
Print his donno wht powerpoint .
Then make so much noise -.-
Zz ? Make me wait so long then can online .
Rahhhs . Alrightalright .
Shall post pictures . Like long time no post le hor ?
haha :D Those emo pictures were taken i donno when .
haha ! Nvm , now im supersuper highhhh :D
I also donno whhy . Keke . Alright .
Enjoy :D

Hehes . Honey told me t :D Hahaas .
So here im . I donno wht t do luhs .
Sians . Nvm . Chou annabellelaogong .
LOL ! Nvm her uuuhs .
Then just now brother ahhai de lo .
Print his donno wht powerpoint .
Then make so much noise -.-
Zz ? Make me wait so long then can online .
Rahhhs . Alrightalright .
Shall post pictures . Like long time no post le hor ?
haha :D Those emo pictures were taken i donno when .
haha ! Nvm , now im supersuper highhhh :D
I also donno whhy . Keke . Alright .
Enjoy :D

Woke up at 6 t'day .
Also donno why i wake up so early . Then nvm , went t sleep agn .
45min ltr then wake up xD
Reached schl , nagnagnag , stupid Mdmarmpit . Noisy like hell .
Ohya , honey rmbed t sms me :D HAHA !
Thought so young got stm le worhs .
Then everything as th same .
Reached class had baby test . LOL . I meant small test .
Haha . English de . Easy luhs .
Then aft test was maths . Do© works . ( im guai can ! )
Suddenly jianxuan phone rang . I chuatio bodoh .
HAHA ! I think he forgot t put silent uh . Haha .
Then was recess le . Ate some curry noodles .
My whole face red . I didnt eat finish lo . Haha .
Went up t class , mdmL lesson . Its was uber boring .
I wanted t sleep . She kept on telling us t do compo .
Zzz . She talktalktalk . Crap so much . Mamahai -.-
But nvm , at least up down left right of me all joker .
Make me laugh till peng . LOL . Stupid bahadur . He nothing t do keep on making people laugh .
Haha ! Nvm , then it was hist . Me , swthart , honeystead sat tgt with my dii & ben .
ONE ROW :DD Hehees . Th history cher cute luhs ! Haha ! Keep on mentioning me & honeystead's name . We chuatio agn . Didnt know wht she was talking bout .
Cos i just said : 17 . Then cher say : 17 uh ? I was like , HUH ? LOOOL .
Then was sci -.- Wuliao . Haah . th trainie cher keep on spotchecking on us bodoh .
I got so frustrated sial . I just look at her then look back .
Nothing t do can . I open my pencil case only , she walked behind me .
Nvm say anything de lo . Just listen t wht we talked , & see wht we do .
Zz ? Then daddy smsed me asked wht time i come back .
Wakao eh . Want t reply also so gangkor . stupid cher . Keep looking at me .
Look at other people luhs ! Lol . Ltr shall ask mother if tmr i can go swthart house .
Hoho ! :D I promised her one week ago . But i didnt had th time t ask , so drag until tmr .
Alright . Shall end my post now =]
Byee .
Also donno why i wake up so early . Then nvm , went t sleep agn .
45min ltr then wake up xD
Reached schl , nagnagnag , stupid Mdmarmpit . Noisy like hell .
Ohya , honey rmbed t sms me :D HAHA !
Thought so young got stm le worhs .
Then everything as th same .
Reached class had baby test . LOL . I meant small test .
Haha . English de . Easy luhs .
Then aft test was maths . Do© works . ( im guai can ! )
Suddenly jianxuan phone rang . I chuatio bodoh .
HAHA ! I think he forgot t put silent uh . Haha .
Then was recess le . Ate some curry noodles .
My whole face red . I didnt eat finish lo . Haha .
Went up t class , mdmL lesson . Its was uber boring .
I wanted t sleep . She kept on telling us t do compo .
Zzz . She talktalktalk . Crap so much . Mamahai -.-
But nvm , at least up down left right of me all joker .
Make me laugh till peng . LOL . Stupid bahadur . He nothing t do keep on making people laugh .
Haha ! Nvm , then it was hist . Me , swthart , honeystead sat tgt with my dii & ben .
ONE ROW :DD Hehees . Th history cher cute luhs ! Haha ! Keep on mentioning me & honeystead's name . We chuatio agn . Didnt know wht she was talking bout .
Cos i just said : 17 . Then cher say : 17 uh ? I was like , HUH ? LOOOL .
Then was sci -.- Wuliao . Haah . th trainie cher keep on spotchecking on us bodoh .
I got so frustrated sial . I just look at her then look back .
Nothing t do can . I open my pencil case only , she walked behind me .
Nvm say anything de lo . Just listen t wht we talked , & see wht we do .
Zz ? Then daddy smsed me asked wht time i come back .
Wakao eh . Want t reply also so gangkor . stupid cher . Keep looking at me .
Look at other people luhs ! Lol . Ltr shall ask mother if tmr i can go swthart house .
Hoho ! :D I promised her one week ago . But i didnt had th time t ask , so drag until tmr .
Alright . Shall end my post now =]
Byee .
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
AHS ! Broke my promise ! Haha ! Nvm . Cos too high le ! Hehe ! Mood change le lahs !
Because someone made me happy worh ! :D
&& Today tuition super funny can ! Th cher kept joking . & i kept laughing .
Also th other side tht someone also kept on making me smile :D
Heeees xD I love maths tuition luhs ! Not like th sci one .
So boring . Keep on shhing us . NOISY CHER HIMSELF .
HAHA ! Alright . Then dad also bought horfun for me for like supper/dinner ?
Haha . Didnt eat dinner just now , no appetite .
Haha . DELICIOUS ~ Alright . TAGS PLEASE ! Hahas !
Okay . This time , really no more post le :D
Haha. Takecares . Haha .
Bye .
Because someone made me happy worh ! :D
&& Today tuition super funny can ! Th cher kept joking . & i kept laughing .
Also th other side tht someone also kept on making me smile :D
Heeees xD I love maths tuition luhs ! Not like th sci one .
So boring . Keep on shhing us . NOISY CHER HIMSELF .
HAHA ! Alright . Then dad also bought horfun for me for like supper/dinner ?
Haha . Didnt eat dinner just now , no appetite .
Haha . DELICIOUS ~ Alright . TAGS PLEASE ! Hahas !
Okay . This time , really no more post le :D
Haha. Takecares . Haha .
Bye .
Alright .
this shall be th last post of th day .
Im not in a really good mood now .
Whr should i start .
Today sucks luhs hor .
Tio kan by mdm armpit .
Armpit luhs . I think she also mood not good want to vent anger on someone siol .
Lucky my skin thick enough not like baby siol .
Eh , you got face we also got face de ley !
Think what arh , our hair long you jealous uh !
Think call my mother she will treat me like a baby uh !
Teachers are all foools .
Think by calling parents th child will change ?
Think by calling parents th child will get scolded ?
Think by calling parents th child will get caned ?
Rubbish . But i dont deny tht some parents are still liddat .
Last time my parents were liddat too .
I tell you luh , parents will just find you fools irritating .
Small matter liddat also need to call . People need to work , like you fools too you know .
Think all so free come entertain your call issit .
You mamahai luhs . Dm very big uh .
Higher than us luhs . But must treat me like your baby uh !
Over my dead body luhs .
Alright , now i know why i so no mood .
Because of joannelze .
wtf is her problem bodoh . Must act cute uh ? Must catch boy's attention uh ?
I donno next time my blog got how many posts of you siol .
Today she step cute bodoh . I want to hin her alrdy luh dey .
But im kind . I WONT !
But i just cannot stand her attitude luhs .
If i take a picture of her uh , she look like those wanted people .
Ahpui . KNS can . I want to go crazy alrdy .
Mad teachers . Mad people . Urghhhzxzx ?
I still feel very happy t say tht , MDM ARMPIT , YOU LOST !
Alright . Promised this t be th last post of th day . I also expect tags(?) .
Hahas . Bye .
P/S : I look into th mirror , saw my reflection . & i nearly had a shock . Someone in th mirror , Fat&ugly . I cannot find any part of me t be fitted in th words you guys used in me . Chio ? Pretty ? Cute ? Sweet ? Maybe character wise im . But im really fat&ugly . Facts are facts. accept it . You cannot deny it , can you ?
this shall be th last post of th day .
Im not in a really good mood now .
Whr should i start .
Today sucks luhs hor .
Tio kan by mdm armpit .
Armpit luhs . I think she also mood not good want to vent anger on someone siol .
Lucky my skin thick enough not like baby siol .
Eh , you got face we also got face de ley !
Think what arh , our hair long you jealous uh !
Think call my mother she will treat me like a baby uh !
Teachers are all foools .
Think by calling parents th child will change ?
Think by calling parents th child will get scolded ?
Think by calling parents th child will get caned ?
Rubbish . But i dont deny tht some parents are still liddat .
Last time my parents were liddat too .
I tell you luh , parents will just find you fools irritating .
Small matter liddat also need to call . People need to work , like you fools too you know .
Think all so free come entertain your call issit .
You mamahai luhs . Dm very big uh .
Higher than us luhs . But must treat me like your baby uh !
Over my dead body luhs .
Alright , now i know why i so no mood .
Because of joannelze .
wtf is her problem bodoh . Must act cute uh ? Must catch boy's attention uh ?
I donno next time my blog got how many posts of you siol .
Today she step cute bodoh . I want to hin her alrdy luh dey .
But im kind . I WONT !
But i just cannot stand her attitude luhs .
If i take a picture of her uh , she look like those wanted people .
Ahpui . KNS can . I want to go crazy alrdy .
Mad teachers . Mad people . Urghhhzxzx ?
I still feel very happy t say tht , MDM ARMPIT , YOU LOST !
Alright . Promised this t be th last post of th day . I also expect tags(?) .
Hahas . Bye .
P/S : I look into th mirror , saw my reflection . & i nearly had a shock . Someone in th mirror , Fat&ugly . I cannot find any part of me t be fitted in th words you guys used in me . Chio ? Pretty ? Cute ? Sweet ? Maybe character wise im . But im really fat&ugly . Facts are facts. accept it . You cannot deny it , can you ?
Went t schl at per usual .
Smsed honey th moment i reached schl .
He call me siao ): Haha ! Nvm , I'll forgive&forget . Haha .
Then he went for PE , so stopped smsing ,
I was also going for PE . But decided not t go luhs .
Haha , anw i was having stomach cramp . So , didnt went .
Then me&sweetheart sit one corner w/ benjamin . Cowdung luh he .
Haha ! Was talking to happily , suddenly some demon appeared .
Mdm A . She went t pull my hair bodoh . & angela's . Wth is wrong w/ her ?
Whr not happy ? Nvm . I follow instructions .
Say my hair very messy . ( indeed it is ) .
Tell me t clip here& thr . Then went t buy clips . ( not my money ) .
Clip alrdy went t se tht armpit in general ofc .
She called my mum , nvm . I thought my mother will scream at me agn ley .
To my surprise , she didnt . Alright :D Armpit , you lost [:
Aft tht , BACK T NORMAL .
Aft PE , honey msged me again , Lol , he said he was super tired .
I told him i pon PE , he walao me . HA ! Bleahs ~
Was having sci lesson tht time , also in sci lab .
Donno do wht experiment , nothing de luh .
Also not some bigbig experiment . Wuliao .
Aft tht was recess . Saw Mrneo , jitao zhao luhs .
Hahas . But i know he wont catch us , anw , we're neat alright !
Btr t be safe than sorry :D
Then talktalktalk .
All crap . Had DJ max battle w/ Liyang di .
Walau he . Keep on cutting th game . Hum uh he . LOL !
Not i say de , your benben say de :D
Haha . First game i won . Second game he won . So fair luhs :D
Then honeystead smsed me . For th uniform thing .
I was pekchek luhs . Keep on asking me for th uniform .
But i dont see her when she told me t meet her .
Alrdy th 3rd day .
Finally i could give her th uniform , then nvm le lahs :D
Also , i think i've lost my ZERO08 donation card .
Crap , i have no idea wht t do ):
Nvm . Hahas . Then reached home . Ate lunch .
Watched tv . Do hw . Then end :D
Started smsing honey agn . He nonsense lahs dey (:
Ltr at night got tuition . Urghhhzxzxz . Sialahs .
Then tmr 715am need t be in schl ley . So early for wht luhs .
I also nvr late one . Dumb ass chers .
& wht should i do t my hairrrrr . Stupid .
Nvm luhs ! Dont see tht armpit can le . Arsehoole ._.
Hope ltr i can go online worhs . Haha .
Shall end my post now .
Takecare . Ohya , Im thinking of putting up birthday calender in my blog :D
So make sure leave your birthdays when you tag , if you nvr see your name in th calender .
Bye (:
Smsed honey th moment i reached schl .
He call me siao ): Haha ! Nvm , I'll forgive&forget . Haha .
Then he went for PE , so stopped smsing ,
I was also going for PE . But decided not t go luhs .
Haha , anw i was having stomach cramp . So , didnt went .
Then me&sweetheart sit one corner w/ benjamin . Cowdung luh he .
Haha ! Was talking to happily , suddenly some demon appeared .
Mdm A . She went t pull my hair bodoh . & angela's . Wth is wrong w/ her ?
Whr not happy ? Nvm . I follow instructions .
Say my hair very messy . ( indeed it is ) .
Tell me t clip here& thr . Then went t buy clips . ( not my money ) .
Clip alrdy went t se tht armpit in general ofc .
She called my mum , nvm . I thought my mother will scream at me agn ley .
To my surprise , she didnt . Alright :D Armpit , you lost [:
Aft tht , BACK T NORMAL .
Aft PE , honey msged me again , Lol , he said he was super tired .
I told him i pon PE , he walao me . HA ! Bleahs ~
Was having sci lesson tht time , also in sci lab .
Donno do wht experiment , nothing de luh .
Also not some bigbig experiment . Wuliao .
Aft tht was recess . Saw Mrneo , jitao zhao luhs .
Hahas . But i know he wont catch us , anw , we're neat alright !
Btr t be safe than sorry :D
Then talktalktalk .
All crap . Had DJ max battle w/ Liyang di .
Walau he . Keep on cutting th game . Hum uh he . LOL !
Not i say de , your benben say de :D
Haha . First game i won . Second game he won . So fair luhs :D
Then honeystead smsed me . For th uniform thing .
I was pekchek luhs . Keep on asking me for th uniform .
But i dont see her when she told me t meet her .
Alrdy th 3rd day .
Finally i could give her th uniform , then nvm le lahs :D
Also , i think i've lost my ZERO08 donation card .
Crap , i have no idea wht t do ):
Nvm . Hahas . Then reached home . Ate lunch .
Watched tv . Do hw . Then end :D
Started smsing honey agn . He nonsense lahs dey (:
Ltr at night got tuition . Urghhhzxzxz . Sialahs .
Then tmr 715am need t be in schl ley . So early for wht luhs .
I also nvr late one . Dumb ass chers .
& wht should i do t my hairrrrr . Stupid .
Nvm luhs ! Dont see tht armpit can le . Arsehoole ._.
Hope ltr i can go online worhs . Haha .
Shall end my post now .
Takecare . Ohya , Im thinking of putting up birthday calender in my blog :D
So make sure leave your birthdays when you tag , if you nvr see your name in th calender .
Bye (:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rahrahrah . Wanna kill maple le .
If can hor , i surely chiong le i tell you . Z .
IM redownloading th whole thing . Still cannot . Macham i care !?
Give up alr . Zz .
Alright . T'day in schl was like ... Aiya . Dontknow .
Cher changed all our seats D:
I am super unhappy with my seat luh .Though i was quite close t my sisters in class .
But still , i wanna sit with angela tan xueying can ! LOL .
Lucky chinese class i sit w/ her . Maths class , with jianxuan -.- Urghhzxz .
In front of me , bahadur . LOL . He , can make me laugh till peng :D
Beside me , remus . Ohgod . So unlucky can . Super noisy luh he .
Beside him , is his ex wor , JOEY LEE :D HAHA !
Suay luhs . Ohsosad :D No one ask you find stead same class worh . Haha (:
& im sitting in th last row :D Song ka laosai bodoh !
But hor , before tht , frc tht time . Mamahai -.-
Got attire check . Heng bodoh . They didnt catch my attire .
But my precious nails ):
OHmyHELL D: Now my nails so short ):
URGHHH ! I kill t h chers luhs ! Nvm ! Zz ! Stupid checks luhs !
Heeees :D History class , was boring . But th cher was still alright luh .
Acceptable . Not like MDM L . ( dont say th name incase people say i offend her agn ) .
With her half yr alr . Th more i see her face th more i wanna puke .
Kao luh she . Like everytime want class 1Ditto t go into NA . Cheebong luh hor ?
Your english also not like SO SUPER UBER GOOD right ?
If i was hardworking for my MYE , i think i could be btr than this lanlan cher lah please .
Im not bhb-ing , i stating th facts can . Then my class like some work not passed up .
Its natural for her t blow up .
But its term1 work . & Maybe some of them passed up , & SHE lost it .
Put th blame on us . WTF ?
Though youre a cher & we're students ,
Though youre a higher rank & we have t respect you ,
You still cannot treat us like dogs .
Do you know , i've only been in this schl for like .. half a yr .
& alr i know tht almost th whole schl hates you , god luh please.
Dont think people say hello t you ard th corridor means they like you alright .
They're trying t make you irritated , bodoh .
So easy get irritated . So easy jealous .
I think last time your boyf all run away sial .
Scarly your boyf with his sister you also donno go check on him .
Wakao eh . Lousy uh you .
Dont want t say alrdy luh . MDM L , FASTER RETIRE CAN ?
So hou lian pi , so old alr still dont want t retire. Then we all still have t see your chou face .
Think very nice t see meh ? Z . BYEBYE .
Alright , crapp-ed finished .
Shall end my post t'day .
Wish me goodluck for th hell maple .
Make sure it can work D:
Bye =D
If can hor , i surely chiong le i tell you . Z .
IM redownloading th whole thing . Still cannot . Macham i care !?
Give up alr . Zz .
Alright . T'day in schl was like ... Aiya . Dontknow .
Cher changed all our seats D:
I am super unhappy with my seat luh .Though i was quite close t my sisters in class .
But still , i wanna sit with angela tan xueying can ! LOL .
Lucky chinese class i sit w/ her . Maths class , with jianxuan -.- Urghhzxz .
In front of me , bahadur . LOL . He , can make me laugh till peng :D
Beside me , remus . Ohgod . So unlucky can . Super noisy luh he .
Beside him , is his ex wor , JOEY LEE :D HAHA !
Suay luhs . Ohsosad :D No one ask you find stead same class worh . Haha (:
& im sitting in th last row :D Song ka laosai bodoh !
But hor , before tht , frc tht time . Mamahai -.-
Got attire check . Heng bodoh . They didnt catch my attire .
But my precious nails ):
OHmyHELL D: Now my nails so short ):
URGHHH ! I kill t h chers luhs ! Nvm ! Zz ! Stupid checks luhs !
Heeees :D History class , was boring . But th cher was still alright luh .
Acceptable . Not like MDM L . ( dont say th name incase people say i offend her agn ) .
With her half yr alr . Th more i see her face th more i wanna puke .
Kao luh she . Like everytime want class 1Ditto t go into NA . Cheebong luh hor ?
Your english also not like SO SUPER UBER GOOD right ?
If i was hardworking for my MYE , i think i could be btr than this lanlan cher lah please .
Im not bhb-ing , i stating th facts can . Then my class like some work not passed up .
Its natural for her t blow up .
But its term1 work . & Maybe some of them passed up , & SHE lost it .
Put th blame on us . WTF ?
Though youre a cher & we're students ,
Though youre a higher rank & we have t respect you ,
You still cannot treat us like dogs .
Do you know , i've only been in this schl for like .. half a yr .
& alr i know tht almost th whole schl hates you , god luh please.
Dont think people say hello t you ard th corridor means they like you alright .
They're trying t make you irritated , bodoh .
So easy get irritated . So easy jealous .
I think last time your boyf all run away sial .
Scarly your boyf with his sister you also donno go check on him .
Wakao eh . Lousy uh you .
Dont want t say alrdy luh . MDM L , FASTER RETIRE CAN ?
So hou lian pi , so old alr still dont want t retire. Then we all still have t see your chou face .
Think very nice t see meh ? Z . BYEBYE .
Alright , crapp-ed finished .
Shall end my post t'day .
Wish me goodluck for th hell maple .
Make sure it can work D:
Bye =D
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ohmyheaven .
Im dying le lah . So bored . Schl also bored ? Wtf . First day of schl check here check thr .
& so many new chers came in t yuying . I tell you uh , chers , i think we , students will drive you t your grave :D LOL . ( im so bad? )
& since it was th first day of schl , geog was changed t hist . & dnt was changed t homec . Lmao ?
Th chers hor , sigh . I miss th last half of th year .
I think th next half of th year i wont enjoy schl . Also donno why .
Maybe ignore wht i write t'day . Having stomach cramp . Urghhhzxz . Damn luh .
So not really in th mood . My maple :( Cannot go in . Hell luh . I hope tmr's ACTUAL attire check i wont get caught . Zz . Boliao chers . I so guai still aim me . Wann aim go aim upper sec uh . Their th troublesome ones . LOL ! ( hellzxz , IM bad xD )
Im going bonkers sooooon . My mind , running super wild . I need motivation t study luhs . Its been so boring in class nowadays . Zz . Cos i guess this week not teaching yet . Eh , good ley . Then its like got extra one week holiday . Haha . Unlike my brother , schl ACTUAL start for him alr . So sad . Lol , i saw annabelle hubby th blog, so big th word thr , MOTIVATION . Then reminded me tht i needed motivation too . LOL . Alright .
Hope you wont say tht i copy you hor . Haha .
CHARMAINE ! You fool . You also another one . You & your game . Audiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . Haha .
I also like t play luh . You make me soooooooo jealous . Urghhhzxz. My audi lag until i cannot even lv . Now you lv 17 !? I kill you ! I kidding niahs :D
ANDREW ! Crazy boy . Eh ? Why uh ? Why say you crazy uh ? LOL . Orh . I rmb you said me crazy th other time :D heeeees (: I say myself crazy can horrr . You say me crazy ... CANNOTxDD . Must ask permission . HAHA . Wth ? Im indeed mad =x HAHA . CRAZY BOOY :D Kidding lahs xPP
CRYSTAL ! OYE . Conf if got time luh ! I damn bored ley ! Talk t me in msn also so gangkor .?!
ANGELA ! Ahhai . Tell you help my maple , you bo help . eh , boxim uh ! LOL . Bishop alr still want to play , box you to taiwan tmr luh ! LOL . JKIDDDINGGGGGGGGG [[[[[x
ANNABELLE ! MAMAHAI ! LOLLL ! ( fyi : im nuts :D ) So early offline . I bo lang to talk t alr luhs ! Pangseh me . LMFAOS ! KIDDDINGGGGGGGGGGG ! 8DDDD
NICHOLAS ! Booshit luh you , cowdung :D Haha ! You maple freak right ? How come everytime talk t you , you buaysong uh ? LOL . Whr not happy ? HAHAA ! Comecomecome & catch me xDDDD LOL ! KIDDDDDDDDDIINGGGGG ( how long will this be siah ? )
NICO ... Diao ? You're still in my mind -.- ! Urghhhzxz .
Since like i've 'offended' alot of people . LOLLLL !
Nvm . Im too nuts . I think if THOSE people see this horrr .
Charmaine , will say i bigger fooool . ( BLEAH ~ )
Andrew , will say i crazy girl . ( copypig ! xPPP)
Crystal , will say -.- ! ( =.= ? )
Angela , will say , HERH ! Aiya , bian le la bian le la , people change le la , shaq le la, boxim le la ! Nvm lah ! LOL . ( you also bian le luh ! xP )
Annabelle , will say lol ? ( wth ? )
Nicholas , will say , zzz . I not happy , you whr not happy ? -.- ( i everywhr very happy can !-.- )
Nico , he wont come t my blog , so guess what he will say ? Obviously nth .
Issit ? Haha . Answer me back luhs . Haha :D
Those people were th first who came t my mind . Zz ? So just right nor :D
Shall end my post now :D
Hoho . Bye .
Im dying le lah . So bored . Schl also bored ? Wtf . First day of schl check here check thr .
& so many new chers came in t yuying . I tell you uh , chers , i think we , students will drive you t your grave :D LOL . ( im so bad? )
& since it was th first day of schl , geog was changed t hist . & dnt was changed t homec . Lmao ?
Th chers hor , sigh . I miss th last half of th year .
I think th next half of th year i wont enjoy schl . Also donno why .
Maybe ignore wht i write t'day . Having stomach cramp . Urghhhzxz . Damn luh .
So not really in th mood . My maple :( Cannot go in . Hell luh . I hope tmr's ACTUAL attire check i wont get caught . Zz . Boliao chers . I so guai still aim me . Wann aim go aim upper sec uh . Their th troublesome ones . LOL ! ( hellzxz , IM bad xD )
Im going bonkers sooooon . My mind , running super wild . I need motivation t study luhs . Its been so boring in class nowadays . Zz . Cos i guess this week not teaching yet . Eh , good ley . Then its like got extra one week holiday . Haha . Unlike my brother , schl ACTUAL start for him alr . So sad . Lol , i saw annabelle hubby th blog, so big th word thr , MOTIVATION . Then reminded me tht i needed motivation too . LOL . Alright .
Hope you wont say tht i copy you hor . Haha .
CHARMAINE ! You fool . You also another one . You & your game . Audiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . Haha .
I also like t play luh . You make me soooooooo jealous . Urghhhzxz. My audi lag until i cannot even lv . Now you lv 17 !? I kill you ! I kidding niahs :D
ANDREW ! Crazy boy . Eh ? Why uh ? Why say you crazy uh ? LOL . Orh . I rmb you said me crazy th other time :D heeeees (: I say myself crazy can horrr . You say me crazy ... CANNOTxDD . Must ask permission . HAHA . Wth ? Im indeed mad =x HAHA . CRAZY BOOY :D Kidding lahs xPP
CRYSTAL ! OYE . Conf if got time luh ! I damn bored ley ! Talk t me in msn also so gangkor .?!
ANGELA ! Ahhai . Tell you help my maple , you bo help . eh , boxim uh ! LOL . Bishop alr still want to play , box you to taiwan tmr luh ! LOL . JKIDDDINGGGGGGGGG [[[[[x
ANNABELLE ! MAMAHAI ! LOLLL ! ( fyi : im nuts :D ) So early offline . I bo lang to talk t alr luhs ! Pangseh me . LMFAOS ! KIDDDINGGGGGGGGGGG ! 8DDDD
NICHOLAS ! Booshit luh you , cowdung :D Haha ! You maple freak right ? How come everytime talk t you , you buaysong uh ? LOL . Whr not happy ? HAHAA ! Comecomecome & catch me xDDDD LOL ! KIDDDDDDDDDIINGGGGG ( how long will this be siah ? )
NICO ... Diao ? You're still in my mind -.- ! Urghhhzxz .
Since like i've 'offended' alot of people . LOLLLL !
Nvm . Im too nuts . I think if THOSE people see this horrr .
Charmaine , will say i bigger fooool . ( BLEAH ~ )
Andrew , will say i crazy girl . ( copypig ! xPPP)
Crystal , will say -.- ! ( =.= ? )
Angela , will say , HERH ! Aiya , bian le la bian le la , people change le la , shaq le la, boxim le la ! Nvm lah ! LOL . ( you also bian le luh ! xP )
Annabelle , will say lol ? ( wth ? )
Nicholas , will say , zzz . I not happy , you whr not happy ? -.- ( i everywhr very happy can !-.- )
Nico , he wont come t my blog , so guess what he will say ? Obviously nth .
Issit ? Haha . Answer me back luhs . Haha :D
Those people were th first who came t my mind . Zz ? So just right nor :D
Shall end my post now :D
Hoho . Bye .
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Z . Today i nvr go out sial .
BORED . Nvm . Currently waiting for someone t go online .
Stupid , now wht time alr still dont want t online . urghhhzxz .
Also , noticed alot of people nvr finish homework worh . LOL .
Obvious lah can . june holiday so short .
How can finish so much homework . Teacher all keesiao de siah .
Wahlauuu . Now i dontwant schl t start luuuuhs . Nvm . Next holiday sept -.-
Bloody long . My birthday still got exactly 1month 1day . Hoho .
Who should i celebrate with worhs.
Hahaha ! Sian lah dey . I dontwant t go schl yet uh ! LMAO !
Holiday so fast de . Like ytd just came back from thailand then next day wanna go schl le .
Sian sial . Nvmnvm . I donno wht th heck am i crapping here .
Alrightalright . This is just a random post . Too bored so just came here t update .
BORED . Nvm . Currently waiting for someone t go online .
Stupid , now wht time alr still dont want t online . urghhhzxz .
Also , noticed alot of people nvr finish homework worh . LOL .
Obvious lah can . june holiday so short .
How can finish so much homework . Teacher all keesiao de siah .
Wahlauuu . Now i dontwant schl t start luuuuhs . Nvm . Next holiday sept -.-
Bloody long . My birthday still got exactly 1month 1day . Hoho .
Who should i celebrate with worhs.
Hahaha ! Sian lah dey . I dontwant t go schl yet uh ! LMAO !
Holiday so fast de . Like ytd just came back from thailand then next day wanna go schl le .
Sian sial . Nvmnvm . I donno wht th heck am i crapping here .
Alrightalright . This is just a random post . Too bored so just came here t update .
I wished our love story would go onWht do you mean by try ?It wasnt me who asked .Im not forcing you .
My dear girl ,
You should know tht i've just gotten back my phone
& ever since tht day when i got back my phone ,
you've alr started
giving me a cold shoulder ?
And its not tht i didnt go online .
Because of some circumstances , i had to appear offline Sometimes i play maple , i didnt log in msn cos my computer is laggy enough .
Maybe you may say we're drifting apart .
I dont deny tht its been long since i had a nice chat with you Do you
think tht i bear to end this sistership between us I thought right from th start
you were th one who wanted t end it .
Actually i alrdy knew something was not
right on wed .All i can say now is : Im very sure you know i dont wish t end it
Hey , ytd too tired , so decided to post today lo .
Went to www . Lol . Fun lah can :D Hahaha !
I so tired lah dey . Wow . Then everytime i go thr horh is use th big float de mah .
I donno why this time i go thr , th big float like so big , i carry also got problem , sit also got problem . Woah , then when go th tsunami horh , i nearly died . LMFAOS !
Cos super tired . I keep on dropping down . Then like give up alr i just drop luh . Haha .
Then played th Ularlah . I also think i too long no play le bah , all played too many times no feeling le . First time have uh . Not warmed up yet . Play for 3hours niahs . Eh , tiring enough le lo . Last time i can play for more than 5 hours . Sigh . I old alr . LOL . No lah , i still young can . HAHA .Aft tht bathed thr . dumb ass . People go thr to have free shower . Alr so many people queuing for th cubicals alrdy , she nvr swim , go thr take free shower . WTF ! You no home uh ? Cannot bath at home uh ? Bath also so stingy uh ? Omfg -.- Lousy lah you . LOL . Aft tht ate dinner thr . Suddenly recieved msg from laogong . Say she went t my house . I was like ? UH ? LOL . Then she thought i at home lah . haha . Also donno what took her so long t reply me . then didnt recieve her last msg , cos phone batt flat -.- bloodyhell . LOL . Nvm .
Aft tht came home , used computer awhile . Then off le . Hah . Tired eh .
Alright . Also would like to thank ANDREW for cheering me up :D THANKYOU LAHS !
creditted alrdy :D Alright . Shall end my post now . bye ,
Went to www . Lol . Fun lah can :D Hahaha !
I so tired lah dey . Wow . Then everytime i go thr horh is use th big float de mah .
I donno why this time i go thr , th big float like so big , i carry also got problem , sit also got problem . Woah , then when go th tsunami horh , i nearly died . LMFAOS !
Cos super tired . I keep on dropping down . Then like give up alr i just drop luh . Haha .
Then played th Ularlah . I also think i too long no play le bah , all played too many times no feeling le . First time have uh . Not warmed up yet . Play for 3hours niahs . Eh , tiring enough le lo . Last time i can play for more than 5 hours . Sigh . I old alr . LOL . No lah , i still young can . HAHA .Aft tht bathed thr . dumb ass . People go thr to have free shower . Alr so many people queuing for th cubicals alrdy , she nvr swim , go thr take free shower . WTF ! You no home uh ? Cannot bath at home uh ? Bath also so stingy uh ? Omfg -.- Lousy lah you . LOL . Aft tht ate dinner thr . Suddenly recieved msg from laogong . Say she went t my house . I was like ? UH ? LOL . Then she thought i at home lah . haha . Also donno what took her so long t reply me . then didnt recieve her last msg , cos phone batt flat -.- bloodyhell . LOL . Nvm .
Aft tht came home , used computer awhile . Then off le . Hah . Tired eh .
Alright . Also would like to thank ANDREW for cheering me up :D THANKYOU LAHS !
creditted alrdy :D Alright . Shall end my post now . bye ,
Friday, June 20, 2008
Went for manicure/pedicure&facial(?) .
Urghhhhzxzxz . Very moody uh . Donno why lah .
& I am sooo tired :( Nvm , I'll try sleeping early tonight .
Try only lo . Ytd night slept like i think 2 in th morning or 1 plus uh .
Woke up at 9 plus . Urgh . Aft tht went for mani/pedi first .
Hoho , my nails long le , like hell , finally yeahhzxz !
Hahaha . Then painted my toenails blue xD
Im mad ? Nvm . While th person doing my nails , i nearly slept .
Pekchek lah dey . No enough sleep :(
took magazine to stay awake . Took th Iweekly .
Flipflipflip , saw Lollipop ! HAHAHA ! Super awake alr !
Then readreadread . Wangzi , nico height same . Wangzi , nico weight SAME .
Both also i like de :D SEE ? My type very zhun one ! All like sama sama de ! HAHA!
Aft tht went home . Zz . Also like hell lahs . Why my house got stairs .
Climb up&down , leg also pain sial . Haha . Came back home played wii .
Third floor eh , my eye want to close le lo , while walking up .
Played VS game with brother . So funnn . Haha . Maybe thts something tht woke me up bah .
Aft tht went facial (?) . Followed my mum uh . Lol , i dont look like 13 i know .
Looks like 15 . Attitude like 5 :D Haha !
Aft facial , mum drove me back . I want to sleep in th car want eh . But i dontknow why my mind thinking of something . Which hell make me so irritated . Im thinking of something yet i dontknow what it is =\ Crap alright .
Nvm . Bathed&ate dinner .
& Now here i am posting :D Alrightalright .
I guess i have nothing else to post le bah (:
Enjoy th pictures . Nothing much really .
Ohyeah . Also to answer one question .
Question : Why your blog like deaddead alr youre still posting >
Answer : My tagboard is dead . My blog isnt . People still view . So i'll just continue to post . I dont mind them not tagging . How i know people view ? Cause they're dumb . A rule says , view & tag . Those who never tag , then come ask me personally for questions . Aint they dumb ? LOL ! Im kidding :D So still , my blog's not dead . & i'll post (:

Urghhhhzxzxz . Very moody uh . Donno why lah .
& I am sooo tired :( Nvm , I'll try sleeping early tonight .
Try only lo . Ytd night slept like i think 2 in th morning or 1 plus uh .
Woke up at 9 plus . Urgh . Aft tht went for mani/pedi first .
Hoho , my nails long le , like hell , finally yeahhzxz !
Hahaha . Then painted my toenails blue xD
Im mad ? Nvm . While th person doing my nails , i nearly slept .
Pekchek lah dey . No enough sleep :(
took magazine to stay awake . Took th Iweekly .
Flipflipflip , saw Lollipop ! HAHAHA ! Super awake alr !
Then readreadread . Wangzi , nico height same . Wangzi , nico weight SAME .
Both also i like de :D SEE ? My type very zhun one ! All like sama sama de ! HAHA!
Aft tht went home . Zz . Also like hell lahs . Why my house got stairs .
Climb up&down , leg also pain sial . Haha . Came back home played wii .
Third floor eh , my eye want to close le lo , while walking up .
Played VS game with brother . So funnn . Haha . Maybe thts something tht woke me up bah .
Aft tht went facial (?) . Followed my mum uh . Lol , i dont look like 13 i know .
Looks like 15 . Attitude like 5 :D Haha !
Aft facial , mum drove me back . I want to sleep in th car want eh . But i dontknow why my mind thinking of something . Which hell make me so irritated . Im thinking of something yet i dontknow what it is =\ Crap alright .
Nvm . Bathed&ate dinner .
& Now here i am posting :D Alrightalright .
I guess i have nothing else to post le bah (:
Enjoy th pictures . Nothing much really .
Ohyeah . Also to answer one question .
Question : Why your blog like deaddead alr youre still posting >
Answer : My tagboard is dead . My blog isnt . People still view . So i'll just continue to post . I dont mind them not tagging . How i know people view ? Cause they're dumb . A rule says , view & tag . Those who never tag , then come ask me personally for questions . Aint they dumb ? LOL ! Im kidding :D So still , my blog's not dead . & i'll post (:
What i guessed really was right .You did ignored me .But i dont regret .At least i told you how i felt .

I guess sistership dont last long too .I guess im too naive to think tht this world is just a simple
one .Maybe we just aint fated .If you've a feeling we wont be friends anymore ,I think you btr make it happen .Before th hurt gets deeper .
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Back from salon .
Went to so called dyed my hair . Lol . Cos i hate th colour black can =.= .
Sian bodohs . Nothing to do le lahs .
Lmaos . Entertainer needed here tyvm ! (:
Then came back my mother had a conversation with her friends online .
They were so CUTE ._.
One of my mum's friend , derek . He is asking for advice as his daughter (16yrsold) is currently dating with a 18 yr old . Most of th other people were like .... no comments can . Like 16 so young liddat from their expression . Then my mother told him about me&nico -.- Z ? She said what: my daughter (13 yrsold) also tried goingout with a 15yrold . I invited him to my house . Her dad had th same reaction as you . Then when i continue reading horhh . Lol . Just can lmao lahs . My mother also say : Their too young to start . I was like omfg ? Haha . Nvm bout them . Just cannot stand my mother sometimes . Lol ! I guess cos she only seen nico before . So everytime come deesiao me . Rahs ! Ytd also same . Told you i dreamt bout nico yeah ? Then my mum saw th post , She was like : Shannnnnnnn . Why you dream of nico . Then i said : Dream can control one meh . She continue : What you think in th aftnn is what you dream at night . I was speechless for awhile , then ding hui : But i sumpah i didnt think of him can ! (?) She said : Your subcontious(?) thinking of him lahs . Dont deny lahs . Then i keep defending (: Until she boh wei gong . LOL . Nvm ! Haha ! Their just ohsocute (: Shall end my post now . Bye .
Went to so called dyed my hair . Lol . Cos i hate th colour black can =.= .
Sian bodohs . Nothing to do le lahs .
Lmaos . Entertainer needed here tyvm ! (:
Then came back my mother had a conversation with her friends online .
They were so CUTE ._.
One of my mum's friend , derek . He is asking for advice as his daughter (16yrsold) is currently dating with a 18 yr old . Most of th other people were like .... no comments can . Like 16 so young liddat from their expression . Then my mother told him about me&nico -.- Z ? She said what: my daughter (13 yrsold) also tried goingout with a 15yrold . I invited him to my house . Her dad had th same reaction as you . Then when i continue reading horhh . Lol . Just can lmao lahs . My mother also say : Their too young to start . I was like omfg ? Haha . Nvm bout them . Just cannot stand my mother sometimes . Lol ! I guess cos she only seen nico before . So everytime come deesiao me . Rahs ! Ytd also same . Told you i dreamt bout nico yeah ? Then my mum saw th post , She was like : Shannnnnnnn . Why you dream of nico . Then i said : Dream can control one meh . She continue : What you think in th aftnn is what you dream at night . I was speechless for awhile , then ding hui : But i sumpah i didnt think of him can ! (?) She said : Your subcontious(?) thinking of him lahs . Dont deny lahs . Then i keep defending (: Until she boh wei gong . LOL . Nvm ! Haha ! Their just ohsocute (: Shall end my post now . Bye .
Should i just tell th truth ?Or should i just wait till th time ripen ?Its just torturing .
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Went amk with trecia&angela sweetheart . LOL .
watched Missing :D Th OST very nice ehhhh !
Eh , th show really thrilling lahs deys .
Hahaas . I guess tht's th only movie i screamed(?) . Im stupid i know .
LOL . Because of my ahhai sweetheart . Beside me hold me so tight , no scary scenes also like very scary =.= chou sweetheart . Lmfao . She still cute lahs :D
Hahas ! Took th neos . I ugliest , i know =.=
I look super odd . Super fat . Got five neos . But th other two like sot so didnt put .
Aft th show , i come out shiver siah . I didnt know how come th whole cinema become REDRED siah . Hahas ! Then come out warm le mah , donno why my body still soo cold inside . Then i went home alrdy . My sweetheart she bu de zou horrrr ? (BHB) -.-
LOL ! Then trecia pei me to take bus , when going up her donno what ganaiai call , then she go le . pangseh =.= Nvm -.- . went home myself :D & now im here posting (: Fyi , Ltr i still got tuition , sigh . so boring now . Cos all my friend holiday mood still siahs . All no go ): So boring . Haha . Nvm lahs . Come back alrdy then say bahs :D
Shall end my post here (: Bye :D

watched Missing :D Th OST very nice ehhhh !
Eh , th show really thrilling lahs deys .
Hahaas . I guess tht's th only movie i screamed(?) . Im stupid i know .
LOL . Because of my ahhai sweetheart . Beside me hold me so tight , no scary scenes also like very scary =.= chou sweetheart . Lmfao . She still cute lahs :D
Hahas ! Took th neos . I ugliest , i know =.=
I look super odd . Super fat . Got five neos . But th other two like sot so didnt put .
Aft th show , i come out shiver siah . I didnt know how come th whole cinema become REDRED siah . Hahas ! Then come out warm le mah , donno why my body still soo cold inside . Then i went home alrdy . My sweetheart she bu de zou horrrr ? (BHB) -.-
LOL ! Then trecia pei me to take bus , when going up her donno what ganaiai call , then she go le . pangseh =.= Nvm -.- . went home myself :D & now im here posting (: Fyi , Ltr i still got tuition , sigh . so boring now . Cos all my friend holiday mood still siahs . All no go ): So boring . Haha . Nvm lahs . Come back alrdy then say bahs :D
Shall end my post here (: Bye :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Go this website. Its nice :D
And its 80% trueeee .
Got it from Charmaine babe blog (:
Hoho ! Try alright !
Go this website. Its nice :D
And its 80% trueeee .
Got it from Charmaine babe blog (:
Hoho ! Try alright !
omg , omg , omg , omg ):
I had a dream bout Nico Chia Yi Xian.
Omg . Cannot believe it . Th dream was so nice i didnt even want to wake up uh .
Th dream was , tht he came to my class ( i have no idea why ) . Then he was like just came in told th teacher something , then sit behind me le . I was like , AHHHHH ! LOL ! In my heart luh. Kekes . Aft awhile like i start looking at him le , cos i find it weird lah , wth is he doing in my class luh . Haahaa .
Then Teacher i think say got group work , so since nico sat behind me i have to turn behind so he is my group member , with another couple ( so called ) . Then i totally donno what to say , i was speechless (?) . LOL !
Only aft awhile we started talking , still we were not talking bout th work , was talking bout our lives & so on . Things like this luhs . Suddenly he asked me for my phone , then i dont want to give him , you know what he said ? He said , wahlau eh , someone got boyf le dont dare show me . Your wallpaper you&yourboyf right ? I replied : WTH ! I nvr talk pictures with boys de can !! NO BOYF CAN! Omg . I didnt even think bout anything and i said tht . Then nico started digging in his pocket . Took out th picture i took with him months ago . I WAS UTTERLY SHOCKED !!!
I mean , we broke right ? how come he still keeps tht picture ? somemore we took th picture using a phone . He actually went to print it out . Omg . My feelings tht time was messy alright .
I told him , omg , you still keep th picturee . He just nodded his head & looked somewhr else alrdy .
Suddenly , so qiao you know , i had camp th next day . It was th whole lv camp lahs . Agn , i donno why nico was with us this bunch . aiya nvm . We went tgt lahs . Cos my other friend didnt come for th camp . Another one pon , th other one sick . wteff . qiao until i nearly fainted . Nvm . Since he is th only one i know quite well , i went with him . Then we had to sit like one row one row one row . Me & nico sat th very first row . Cos teacher wanted to perform something . I didnt know it was so digusting ( sci stuff obviously ) , then i went so close to nico i grabbed his hand (!?!?!) . OMG ! I was shocked in my heart , but he didnt defend . So i didnt care . Then i moved my chair nearer , cos th stupid teacher showing like donno what lah , cut guinea pig body or what crap lah . Then like soooooo digusting . I shou bu liao , i go hide my head & leaned on his shoulder . OFMG !! AHHHHH ! Still he didnt defend ! THEN NVM ! LOL !
Aft tht , i think was bathing time or something . & th toilet is unisex one , only have 2 toilets =.= .
we had to wait so long . & we didnt know until th message was passed down , me & nico was like th third last or something ley ! wait so long .
Then we started talking agn . This time i donno we talk until what , he held my hand . OMG ! & not hold my hand cos he wanted to kill me or any bad intention . It was .... you know lahs .
Then I really didnt know what to do eh . Then wtf . Another siao one . Nicholas( i dont even know how he came to my dream ) , When it was nearly my turn to go into th toilet , i was nicholas' mum , he immediately screamed : SHANETTE ! Come come come ! ( like i was some kind of dog liddat ) . I didnt want to go de lo . Then she go ask someone to come & push me . Uber paiseh can -.- Then nvm . You know what she said !! Made me flare . Go and say me & weiren(nicholas' older brother) dont separate uh ! EFFFFFU!Invr talk to him only in genting ! WHAT SEPARATE ! Then nvm , i ran back to nico . Cos what rubbish lah ! NONSENSE ! My turn to bathe le , then i donno why they give me one raincoat (?) . Lol . I didnt know what to do w/ it . I ask nicholas mum lah , she just told me to put it aside ? LOL . Then i also ask her issit change new clothe or what . She told me to wear new one . Then i took out one purple stripe dress( those short one luh ) . Then i came out . saw nico , Cos we went in tgt ( rmb got two toilets . ) OMG . He wore th purple stripe teeeeeee ! SO QIAO !?!?! I go and poke him siah ! I say : COPYPIG ! LOL ! HE say : you copy me lah , i come out first ley ! I say : No ley , is because i bathe long ! I went in first ley ni chao !
Hahas . Aft tht we like couple liddat siah . Look like lahs .
Liddat so nice ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . Th stupid maid& my brother stomped into my room & make me wake up . WAHLAU ! I DONTWANT T WAKE UPPP .
I had a dream bout Nico Chia Yi Xian.
Omg . Cannot believe it . Th dream was so nice i didnt even want to wake up uh .
Th dream was , tht he came to my class ( i have no idea why ) . Then he was like just came in told th teacher something , then sit behind me le . I was like , AHHHHH ! LOL ! In my heart luh. Kekes . Aft awhile like i start looking at him le , cos i find it weird lah , wth is he doing in my class luh . Haahaa .
Then Teacher i think say got group work , so since nico sat behind me i have to turn behind so he is my group member , with another couple ( so called ) . Then i totally donno what to say , i was speechless (?) . LOL !
Only aft awhile we started talking , still we were not talking bout th work , was talking bout our lives & so on . Things like this luhs . Suddenly he asked me for my phone , then i dont want to give him , you know what he said ? He said , wahlau eh , someone got boyf le dont dare show me . Your wallpaper you&yourboyf right ? I replied : WTH ! I nvr talk pictures with boys de can !! NO BOYF CAN! Omg . I didnt even think bout anything and i said tht . Then nico started digging in his pocket . Took out th picture i took with him months ago . I WAS UTTERLY SHOCKED !!!
I mean , we broke right ? how come he still keeps tht picture ? somemore we took th picture using a phone . He actually went to print it out . Omg . My feelings tht time was messy alright .
I told him , omg , you still keep th picturee . He just nodded his head & looked somewhr else alrdy .
Suddenly , so qiao you know , i had camp th next day . It was th whole lv camp lahs . Agn , i donno why nico was with us this bunch . aiya nvm . We went tgt lahs . Cos my other friend didnt come for th camp . Another one pon , th other one sick . wteff . qiao until i nearly fainted . Nvm . Since he is th only one i know quite well , i went with him . Then we had to sit like one row one row one row . Me & nico sat th very first row . Cos teacher wanted to perform something . I didnt know it was so digusting ( sci stuff obviously ) , then i went so close to nico i grabbed his hand (!?!?!) . OMG ! I was shocked in my heart , but he didnt defend . So i didnt care . Then i moved my chair nearer , cos th stupid teacher showing like donno what lah , cut guinea pig body or what crap lah . Then like soooooo digusting . I shou bu liao , i go hide my head & leaned on his shoulder . OFMG !! AHHHHH ! Still he didnt defend ! THEN NVM ! LOL !
Aft tht , i think was bathing time or something . & th toilet is unisex one , only have 2 toilets =.= .
we had to wait so long . & we didnt know until th message was passed down , me & nico was like th third last or something ley ! wait so long .
Then we started talking agn . This time i donno we talk until what , he held my hand . OMG ! & not hold my hand cos he wanted to kill me or any bad intention . It was .... you know lahs .
Then I really didnt know what to do eh . Then wtf . Another siao one . Nicholas( i dont even know how he came to my dream ) , When it was nearly my turn to go into th toilet , i was nicholas' mum , he immediately screamed : SHANETTE ! Come come come ! ( like i was some kind of dog liddat ) . I didnt want to go de lo . Then she go ask someone to come & push me . Uber paiseh can -.- Then nvm . You know what she said !! Made me flare . Go and say me & weiren(nicholas' older brother) dont separate uh ! EFFFFFU!Invr talk to him only in genting ! WHAT SEPARATE ! Then nvm , i ran back to nico . Cos what rubbish lah ! NONSENSE ! My turn to bathe le , then i donno why they give me one raincoat (?) . Lol . I didnt know what to do w/ it . I ask nicholas mum lah , she just told me to put it aside ? LOL . Then i also ask her issit change new clothe or what . She told me to wear new one . Then i took out one purple stripe dress( those short one luh ) . Then i came out . saw nico , Cos we went in tgt ( rmb got two toilets . ) OMG . He wore th purple stripe teeeeeee ! SO QIAO !?!?! I go and poke him siah ! I say : COPYPIG ! LOL ! HE say : you copy me lah , i come out first ley ! I say : No ley , is because i bathe long ! I went in first ley ni chao !
Hahas . Aft tht we like couple liddat siah . Look like lahs .
Liddat so nice ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . Th stupid maid& my brother stomped into my room & make me wake up . WAHLAU ! I DONTWANT T WAKE UPPP .
I wished for it to be real .I just yearn for a beautiful fairytale to happen .Is it tht hard to come true ?
Then ytd , mummy bought a nintendo wii . LOL . So cute siah th game . I kept on laughing . Cos i thought it was a game like sit down and play de mah . How i know still have to show actions . Xiao si ren le lah . Then i played tennis , Keep call boh ball ! LOL ! Cos i cannot see lah dey . Haha . Then play bowling next . First try niah ley ! I double strike le , & also spare alot of times . My mummy behind me keep on say , i super pro -.- Your head uh . Lousy like hell can :D
Hoho. Then played boxing -.- th stupidest game EVER . Wth . Anyhow box box box. I also donno i boxing who . I boxing air or i boxing my opponent siah ! DIAO ! Haha . Aft tht played golf . Zzz. Can sleep lah tht game . I 2 strokes hit th ball into th hole le . My brother took 11strokes to hit th ball in . Still call himself an intermediate golfer . Sure boh ? LOL !
Liddat only lahs . Ltr Might post agn . Cos i donno what i'll do ltr :D
Takecares kids/teens/adults !
ILOVE149515 !
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sorry for not posting . I was lazy luh . Hoho . Alright , shall post for those two days :D
Saturday , 14/6
Went to fion's house ( told you before ) , was bored at first .
Th aircon was like spoiled ? LOL .
Like hot bodoh . On-ed th fan , it was 100times better than th aircon .
Too bored until wanted to go mad . Then fion suggested play monopoly (?) .
Lmfaos . lame luhs horhs . but idc lahs . Still got thing to play .
& whats more , i didnt know it was so fun . Lol , fun not because i've strike rich ,
Fun because out of 3 , 2 of us went BROKE ! HAHAH ! Th one who've strike rich was my maid .
WTEFF . Zzz . she nearly bought every house . Still got hotel , we still have to owe her money .
Everytime pass 'go' , 2k goes to her . &&&& She is a 1st time player leyyyyyyyyy .
wtefff . LMAO ! I didnt care much , cos me & fion only bought like at most 6 houses .
Then she also super pro , nvr step into our house one .
Inthend she win luh duh .
Play two rounds . Another round was with my brother .
This time , he was th one who struck rich . Wteff . Super bodoh , bodoh !
He still down thr step big sial . Wth . Still haolian here& thr . LOL !
Nvm , Let him . haha . Anw , alrdy know he won mah . So idc luh .
Aft tht chitchat los . then my maid told me&fion a socalled joke . Its was funny bodoh.
Cos th way she told us . She said :

Saturday , 14/6
Went to fion's house ( told you before ) , was bored at first .
Th aircon was like spoiled ? LOL .
Like hot bodoh . On-ed th fan , it was 100times better than th aircon .
Too bored until wanted to go mad . Then fion suggested play monopoly (?) .
Lmfaos . lame luhs horhs . but idc lahs . Still got thing to play .
& whats more , i didnt know it was so fun . Lol , fun not because i've strike rich ,
Fun because out of 3 , 2 of us went BROKE ! HAHAH ! Th one who've strike rich was my maid .
WTEFF . Zzz . she nearly bought every house . Still got hotel , we still have to owe her money .
Everytime pass 'go' , 2k goes to her . &&&& She is a 1st time player leyyyyyyyyy .
wtefff . LMAO ! I didnt care much , cos me & fion only bought like at most 6 houses .
Then she also super pro , nvr step into our house one .
Inthend she win luh duh .
Play two rounds . Another round was with my brother .
This time , he was th one who struck rich . Wteff . Super bodoh , bodoh !
He still down thr step big sial . Wth . Still haolian here& thr . LOL !
Nvm , Let him . haha . Anw , alrdy know he won mah . So idc luh .
Aft tht chitchat los . then my maid told me&fion a socalled joke . Its was funny bodoh.
Cos th way she told us . She said :
Thr was this man on th bus ,
suddenly he shouted :
all th man/boys get out , i want to rape ALL th girls in th bus .
Then one prostitude pity those who are very young luhs .
So she said : Excuse me , you wanna rape , rape me .
Dont rape th others , some very young dont ruin their future .
One oldoldold grandmother say : OYE ! He say all girls lah ! Use your ears !
(Means th grandmother wants to get raped lahxD)
Th man said : Rape all girls except you , OUT !
Then grandmother say : Wahlao , you say all de lor .
Get what i mean ? Lmfaos . Maybe not funny cos i say de lahs .
I lousy at making people laugh de . paiseh . Hahahs !
Sunday , 15/6
First of all , HAPPY FATHERS DAY !
Hoho , went for tuition in th morning .
BORING . I wanna sleep can . Only those experiments made me interested .
Hahas . & yay ! Next wk joey coming back from aus le !
But sigh , shes not going for tuition i guess .
& i want back my phone D:
LOL . Nvm lahs . In th aftnn maple awhile .
& watched 公主小妹 .
So bloody nice can de show ! ( i bought th disk )
Keep on watching&watching like mad woman liddat . Haha .
Then night went for dinner at donno what limtuatow st ah . LOL .
Came home alrdy , used comp awhile then went to maple .
Watch You're th one & incredible tales .
Th time clashed bodoh !
I have to keep switching channels wteff .
Nvm . Hah . Aft tht went to my room , played psp .
Awhile later slept (:
Monday , 16/4
Nothing to do lahs ! =.=
Mapled lah . Nothing else . Went to shop&save to buy things to eat .
Nvm , i know my mouth super itchy (: Haha !
Then now , posting norhs (:
Going to maple aftwards probably xD
Alright , time for pictures ! (:

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sobs . I missed BBT's concert . Now then i know . How outdated can i be ?
& I also didnt know got HSHMM concert . I dont care sial . I have to go to tht concert , even if it takes my life . LOL !
I hope BBT will come sg again , then i'll nvr miss tht chance , EVER !
Its on 12thjune omfg . My daddy's birthday eh ! Sigh .(!?)
Oh ya , & i changed th skin even though its not my own . Found one i like .
Like god , finally i changed skin can ? :D
Omfg . It took me such a long time to finish this bloody template .
Cos i kept having careless mistakes .
Wth . i kept redoing until i very frustrated . Zz . inthend still completed :D
As i promised ! Hohos !
Alright now ,
Grats me , 3wks of singlehood (:
Ltr going to fion(lee) house . Long time i've not been to her house .
Its always her who comes to my house . Not fair lahs liddat . So i must go also whats (:
Hope i'll have fun thr alrights .
Shall end my post here (:
Byes .
& I also didnt know got HSHMM concert . I dont care sial . I have to go to tht concert , even if it takes my life . LOL !
I hope BBT will come sg again , then i'll nvr miss tht chance , EVER !
Its on 12thjune omfg . My daddy's birthday eh ! Sigh .(!?)
Oh ya , & i changed th skin even though its not my own . Found one i like .
Like god , finally i changed skin can ? :D
Omfg . It took me such a long time to finish this bloody template .
Cos i kept having careless mistakes .
Wth . i kept redoing until i very frustrated . Zz . inthend still completed :D
As i promised ! Hohos !
Alright now ,
Grats me , 3wks of singlehood (:
Ltr going to fion(lee) house . Long time i've not been to her house .
Its always her who comes to my house . Not fair lahs liddat . So i must go also whats (:
Hope i'll have fun thr alrights .
Shall end my post here (:
Byes .
Friday, June 13, 2008
Rahhs . Now when i have th time to blog , i cannot think of any idea of doing a skin .
Wth , so bad ones . Roars . Nvmnvm . I.dont.give.a.damn .
Sigh . Im so bored . I want back my phone TT
Its been long since i had a good chat with someone D:
Roars . I hate this lahs . This is th lousiest holiday i've had in my entire life god .
Sigh . I want to die alrdy sial . Roarroarroars . Lols .
have been complaining to my mummy .
Lols , she like take it as if im bla-ing for fun .
Haha. Nvm lahs . At least its out of my heart :D
Roarrrrrs . Omfgggg . Too bored lahs . Zzz .
Super fedup with my little brother can .
Sians . He used his computer time alr overtime le can .
I never complain . I havent even use for 1h can !
He down thr kpkb . Wtf .
I tell you he nothing btr to do cans .
Aiya . Sian booodoooohhh .
Nvm , off th maple le . For fun can .
Hahas .
Wth , so bad ones . Roars . Nvmnvm . I.dont.give.a.damn .
Sigh . Im so bored . I want back my phone TT
Its been long since i had a good chat with someone D:
Roars . I hate this lahs . This is th lousiest holiday i've had in my entire life god .
Sigh . I want to die alrdy sial . Roarroarroars . Lols .
have been complaining to my mummy .
Lols , she like take it as if im bla-ing for fun .
Haha. Nvm lahs . At least its out of my heart :D
Roarrrrrs . Omfgggg . Too bored lahs . Zzz .
Super fedup with my little brother can .
Sians . He used his computer time alr overtime le can .
I never complain . I havent even use for 1h can !
He down thr kpkb . Wtf .
I tell you he nothing btr to do cans .
Aiya . Sian booodoooohhh .
Nvm , off th maple le . For fun can .
Hahas .
I wanna be a Goodgirl .
I would have a btr life ,
if i act like a dog D:
mamahai . Im too bored .
Ignore those words !
hohos ! Byes!
Really nothing to do lahs cans D:
COL ! = cry out loud .
I hardly have th time to do my blog ):
Maple like lanlan liddat , still so low lv . See th char i also want to vomit .
Audition lag like thr's no tmr . Play also pekchek .
Blog dead like no one's business . Roars .
Th feeling's like no one knows i exsist . WTF CAN !
sucksucksucks ! Roars . Bored lahs . No one to talk/play with .
Zzz . okayokay . I'll try to change my things in my blog now .
If not enough time , then sorry norhs D:
COL ! = cry out loud .
I hardly have th time to do my blog ):
Maple like lanlan liddat , still so low lv . See th char i also want to vomit .
Audition lag like thr's no tmr . Play also pekchek .
Blog dead like no one's business . Roars .
Th feeling's like no one knows i exsist . WTF CAN !
sucksucksucks ! Roars . Bored lahs . No one to talk/play with .
Zzz . okayokay . I'll try to change my things in my blog now .
If not enough time , then sorry norhs D:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
heyyys . Back here . God i hardly have time to post .
bloody holidays . Holidays sucks alrights ):
Sian bodoh . Roars .
ytd , brought my two dogs for grooming .
Aft tht went to amkhub .
Zzz . Bored alright . I also nothing to do thr .
Like walk walk walk ard norhs .
bought back tidbits to eat , didnt really ate lunch , but i was full(?) .
today , i nearly died at home . CRYOUTLOUD PLEASE !
I want to die die die ! LOL . justkidding .
but just bored to death . Stupid trecia . btr jio me ooooout .
You say next week de horhs ! Phone not with me cannot sms ! ROARS !
Annabelle&cassandra asked me follow them go extensions .
Erh ? Donno eh . cos my mother said tht place very dumb -.-
Guys , its at cityplaza . First&second floor bahs .
I try bahs . Just tell me when norhs ? Hohos .
Stupid maple. Also super lag one . I donno what to do now uhs .
just super bored . No one to talk to me bodoh .
Dammmmn /= nvmmm .
Shall end here . Byees .
bloody holidays . Holidays sucks alrights ):
Sian bodoh . Roars .
ytd , brought my two dogs for grooming .
Aft tht went to amkhub .
Zzz . Bored alright . I also nothing to do thr .
Like walk walk walk ard norhs .
bought back tidbits to eat , didnt really ate lunch , but i was full(?) .
today , i nearly died at home . CRYOUTLOUD PLEASE !
I want to die die die ! LOL . justkidding .
but just bored to death . Stupid trecia . btr jio me ooooout .
You say next week de horhs ! Phone not with me cannot sms ! ROARS !
Annabelle&cassandra asked me follow them go extensions .
Erh ? Donno eh . cos my mother said tht place very dumb -.-
Guys , its at cityplaza . First&second floor bahs .
I try bahs . Just tell me when norhs ? Hohos .
Stupid maple. Also super lag one . I donno what to do now uhs .
just super bored . No one to talk to me bodoh .
Dammmmn /= nvmmm .
Shall end here . Byees .
Monday, June 09, 2008
Boo . I'm back =D
Went to My father's friend house ytd .
Lol ? Like siao siol . Play badminton with dino .
Th most innocent guy i've seen on EARTH !
LOL ! Super uber cute can he . Cannot tahan him .
Haha . Then i sweated so much =.= Like so long no liddat le lo .
Hoho . Had alot of fun ytd wor . Though i may look abit too old for them .
Wtf . Dino = 11 yrsold . Charmaine = 7 yrsold . Genevive = 5 yrs old . LOOL ??
Nvm , at least i had fun . Please dont contact me through my phone . No replies .
Hoho . nothing to do . zzz . super sian . My audition lagged like no one's business .
roar . Cannot play D: Haish . Nvm . Shall post till here . Takecare . Bye .
Went to My father's friend house ytd .
Lol ? Like siao siol . Play badminton with dino .
Th most innocent guy i've seen on EARTH !
LOL ! Super uber cute can he . Cannot tahan him .
Haha . Then i sweated so much =.= Like so long no liddat le lo .
Hoho . Had alot of fun ytd wor . Though i may look abit too old for them .
Wtf . Dino = 11 yrsold . Charmaine = 7 yrsold . Genevive = 5 yrs old . LOOL ??
Nvm , at least i had fun . Please dont contact me through my phone . No replies .
Hoho . nothing to do . zzz . super sian . My audition lagged like no one's business .
roar . Cannot play D: Haish . Nvm . Shall post till here . Takecare . Bye .
Saturday, June 07, 2008
HEY ! Finally back to posting .
Like wth , i miss my blog so much =x
I'll reply tags asap ! Nothing really happened this few days luh .
Hoho . Alright , now i'll do a survey tht feliciabelovedJIEx3 asked me to do !
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog & replace any question tht they dislike with a new question fomulated by themselves .
B)Tag 5-8 people to do this quiz . those who are tagged cannot refuse . these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag th person whom they were tagged by .. continue this game by sending it to people .
1. If you girlf/boyf betrays you , what will your reaction be ?
Super sad duh !
2.If you can have a dream to come true , what would it be ?
Have fun & enjoy my lifeee :D
3.th choice between family&friends , who will you choose ?
mamahai -.- family bodoh .
4.who kind of home do you think is suitable for living ?
Totally no quarreling , can talk to them like talk to my friends .
5.Whats your ideal boyf/girlf like ?
Loves me , Dont play feelings with me , Just LOVE me ALRIGHT !
6.Which is more blessed , being loved by someone or loving someone ?
Being loved by someone .
7.how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love ?
Depends .
8.If th person you secretly like is attached , what would you do ?
I'll just secretly sit thr & watch him , tht would alrdy be contented for me :D
9.Is thr anything tht made me unhappy these few days ?
Maybe too much quarrels with family bah .
10.Is being tagged fun ?
Whats fun ?
11.How do you see yourself in 10yrs time ?
I whr got think so far ?
12.who are currently th most important people to you ?
family,friends,sisters&brothers .
13.What kind of person do you think who tagged you is ?
Idontknow .
14.Would you rather be married but poor or single but rich ?
Married but poor .
15.Whats th first thing you do in th morning ?
16.Would you sacrifice your family time to be with friends ?
depends .
17.What is th thing tht you cant leave it aside ?
Computer&preciousthoughts .
18.what type of friends do you like ?
Dontknow . TRUEfriends .
19.What type of friends do you dislike ?
betrayers&backstabbers .
I've tagged ,
Sammie .
Hweeteng .
Sophia .
Peiyee .
Venice .
Crystal .
Like wth , i miss my blog so much =x
I'll reply tags asap ! Nothing really happened this few days luh .
Hoho . Alright , now i'll do a survey tht feliciabelovedJIEx3 asked me to do !
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog & replace any question tht they dislike with a new question fomulated by themselves .
B)Tag 5-8 people to do this quiz . those who are tagged cannot refuse . these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag th person whom they were tagged by .. continue this game by sending it to people .
1. If you girlf/boyf betrays you , what will your reaction be ?
Super sad duh !
2.If you can have a dream to come true , what would it be ?
Have fun & enjoy my lifeee :D
3.th choice between family&friends , who will you choose ?
mamahai -.- family bodoh .
4.who kind of home do you think is suitable for living ?
Totally no quarreling , can talk to them like talk to my friends .
5.Whats your ideal boyf/girlf like ?
Loves me , Dont play feelings with me , Just LOVE me ALRIGHT !
6.Which is more blessed , being loved by someone or loving someone ?
Being loved by someone .
7.how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love ?
Depends .
8.If th person you secretly like is attached , what would you do ?
I'll just secretly sit thr & watch him , tht would alrdy be contented for me :D
9.Is thr anything tht made me unhappy these few days ?
Maybe too much quarrels with family bah .
10.Is being tagged fun ?
Whats fun ?
11.How do you see yourself in 10yrs time ?
I whr got think so far ?
12.who are currently th most important people to you ?
family,friends,sisters&brothers .
13.What kind of person do you think who tagged you is ?
Idontknow .
14.Would you rather be married but poor or single but rich ?
Married but poor .
15.Whats th first thing you do in th morning ?
16.Would you sacrifice your family time to be with friends ?
depends .
17.What is th thing tht you cant leave it aside ?
Computer&preciousthoughts .
18.what type of friends do you like ?
Dontknow . TRUEfriends .
19.What type of friends do you dislike ?
betrayers&backstabbers .
I've tagged ,
Sammie .
Hweeteng .
Sophia .
Peiyee .
Venice .
Crystal .
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Audiaudiaudi . Talktalktalk . Friendsterfriendsterfriendster .
Thts what i did . Hoho . I editted some pictures . Lol . Bored until nothing to do uh .
I dontwant to go npcc camp :( Hai . Sigh .
Mummy said if daddy agreees than she write letter .
So i'll have t' ask .
Wish me luck ! hehoha !
Haha . Enjoy ! Hoho !
Daddy agreeed ! HOHO !!!
Me so happy ! YAY ! Hoho !
NO CAMP ! Hoho !

Thts what i did . Hoho . I editted some pictures . Lol . Bored until nothing to do uh .
I dontwant to go npcc camp :( Hai . Sigh .
Mummy said if daddy agreees than she write letter .
So i'll have t' ask .
Wish me luck ! hehoha !
Haha . Enjoy ! Hoho !
Daddy agreeed ! HOHO !!!
Me so happy ! YAY ! Hoho !
NO CAMP ! Hoho !

Monday, June 02, 2008
Got this survey from Joey's blog (:
Name 20 people you can think of now .
Dont think of th question until you have named all 20 people .
At th end of this , choose 5 people to do it .
How did you meet 14 ? (Sammie)
Same primaryschl,intro by bernice .
What would you do if you nvr met 1 ? (Annabelle)
I cannot do anything w/o her .
What if 9&20 are fated ? (Amelia&Kaijie)
Sure boh ?
Will 6 date 17 ? (liyang&charmaine)
They dont even know ea'other .
Describe 3 . (Winnie)
Pretty,Cute,Loves Leo alotalotalot .
Is 8 attractive ?(Angela)
Describe 7 .(Joy)
My favourite honeystead x3
Do you know any of 12's family member ? (Benson)
N-O , no .
What if 18 confesses tht he/she likes you ? (Trudy)
Er , My precious std .
What language does 15 speaks ? (Alson)
Who is going out with 9 ? (Amelia)
Not sure .
How old is 16 ? (Crystal)
thirteen .
When you last spoke to 13? (Qianyu)
Just spoke to her few minutes ago .
Who is 2's fave singer ? (cassandra)
Donno .
Would you ever date 4 ? (Rachael)
Im not a lesbian -.-
Would you ever date 1 ? (Annabelle)
Married ~
Is 19 single ? (Nathalie)
Yeah , i guess .
What's 10 last name ? (Joey)
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11 ? (Weiting)
Shes my laopo !
Schl of 3 ? (Winnie)
Woodgrove secschl .
Whr does 6 live ? (Liyang)
Serangoon !?
What is your fave thing bout 5 ? (Nico)
omfg . Everything (:
Have you ever seen 2 naked ? (Cassandra)
nonono .
5 people to do this :
Anyone !!
Wow . Seems like i've done this survey before .
haha . But this time its different answers .
haha .
Name 20 people you can think of now .
Dont think of th question until you have named all 20 people .
At th end of this , choose 5 people to do it .
How did you meet 14 ? (Sammie)
Same primaryschl,intro by bernice .
What would you do if you nvr met 1 ? (Annabelle)
I cannot do anything w/o her .
What if 9&20 are fated ? (Amelia&Kaijie)
Sure boh ?
Will 6 date 17 ? (liyang&charmaine)
They dont even know ea'other .
Describe 3 . (Winnie)
Pretty,Cute,Loves Leo alotalotalot .
Is 8 attractive ?(Angela)
Describe 7 .(Joy)
My favourite honeystead x3
Do you know any of 12's family member ? (Benson)
N-O , no .
What if 18 confesses tht he/she likes you ? (Trudy)
Er , My precious std .
What language does 15 speaks ? (Alson)
Who is going out with 9 ? (Amelia)
Not sure .
How old is 16 ? (Crystal)
thirteen .
When you last spoke to 13? (Qianyu)
Just spoke to her few minutes ago .
Who is 2's fave singer ? (cassandra)
Donno .
Would you ever date 4 ? (Rachael)
Im not a lesbian -.-
Would you ever date 1 ? (Annabelle)
Married ~
Is 19 single ? (Nathalie)
Yeah , i guess .
What's 10 last name ? (Joey)
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11 ? (Weiting)
Shes my laopo !
Schl of 3 ? (Winnie)
Woodgrove secschl .
Whr does 6 live ? (Liyang)
Serangoon !?
What is your fave thing bout 5 ? (Nico)
omfg . Everything (:
Have you ever seen 2 naked ? (Cassandra)
nonono .
5 people to do this :
Anyone !!
Wow . Seems like i've done this survey before .
haha . But this time its different answers .
haha .
Laogong & cass came my house today .
They ransacked my whole room -.-
Now whole place like donno what .
Haha . Nvm lurhs . Lester said he is giving me x2 exp for audi . (?)
Sure booh ? I want eh ? Btr give horh .
If not , i eat you up (:
Then they playplayplay & talktalktalk & laughlaughlaugh .
Then i audi , while laogong&cass&spen loooking at me .
Like im some kind of pro liddat ? Siao .
BHB . me noob de lah (:
I cannot do 185&190 cfm TT
Sob . Everytime i reaching fm/cfm i'll miss .
wtf ? So qiao de mehs ?
My hands got superpower !?
lmfaos . Okay . nvm . Haha .
Maybe mapling ltr . I like donno how many 123456789yrs no play le .
So sad . Haha . Ltr play lahs . I am sure tht i've forgotten how to play .
Haha . Nvm . Start from scratch agn norh . Its alright de .
Hoho . And lastly , PICTURES OF TH DAY !

They ransacked my whole room -.-
Now whole place like donno what .
Haha . Nvm lurhs . Lester said he is giving me x2 exp for audi . (?)
Sure booh ? I want eh ? Btr give horh .
If not , i eat you up (:
Then they playplayplay & talktalktalk & laughlaughlaugh .
Then i audi , while laogong&cass&spen loooking at me .
Like im some kind of pro liddat ? Siao .
BHB . me noob de lah (:
I cannot do 185&190 cfm TT
Sob . Everytime i reaching fm/cfm i'll miss .
wtf ? So qiao de mehs ?
My hands got superpower !?
lmfaos . Okay . nvm . Haha .
Maybe mapling ltr . I like donno how many 123456789yrs no play le .
So sad . Haha . Ltr play lahs . I am sure tht i've forgotten how to play .
Haha . Nvm . Start from scratch agn norh . Its alright de .
Hoho . And lastly , PICTURES OF TH DAY !

Pictures taken today
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Grats me . 1wk1day of single hood (:
I bought th uber cute dooooog .
Hohoooo . Super happy (:
Herroo herroooo (:
Named that . LOL . Not i think one . Lol . Find it cute then named tht uh .
Hoho . Also saw one Female pom . Really UBER pom .
But too bad i was looking for a male . So .. Bought th other one lo .
Also wished i could buy th other one . So cute siol .
Hohos . Sian larh dey .
Bored luh horh . Blog dead . Nvm . Still update .
I bought th uber cute dooooog .
Hohoooo . Super happy (:
Herroo herroooo (:
Named that . LOL . Not i think one . Lol . Find it cute then named tht uh .
Hoho . Also saw one Female pom . Really UBER pom .
But too bad i was looking for a male . So .. Bought th other one lo .
Also wished i could buy th other one . So cute siol .
Hohos . Sian larh dey .
Bored luh horh . Blog dead . Nvm . Still update .
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